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House Foreign Affairs Committee Seeks Increase in Study Abroad Opportunities

Yesterday (May 14th), legislation was introduced in the House Foreign Affairs Committee that would advance provisions of the Paul Simon Study Abroad Act.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Release

Washington, DC – Congressman Howard L. Berman (D-CA), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, today introduced wide-ranging legislation to improve and support U.S. foreign policy efforts, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011 (H.R. 2410). Continue reading “House Foreign Affairs Committee Seeks Increase in Study Abroad Opportunities”

Congressman Reichert Recognizes UW School of Medicine on House Floor

UW SCHOOL OF MEDICINE                                


of washington

in the house of representatives

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mr. REICHERT. Madam Speaker, today I rise in recognition of the University of Washington School of Medicine and their incredible standing as one of the best medical schools in the world. According to US News & World Report, the University of Washington tops the list of national primary care medical schools for the 16th consecutive year.

The groundbreaking and life-saving work done at the UW School of  Medicine is beyond extraordinary. I feel a sense of pride to know that the best primary care medical school in the nation is located in my home state of Washington.

The School of Medicine was also ranked first in family medicine and  rural medicine for the 18th straight year, fourth in women’s health medicine, sixth in geriatric and pediatric medicine and eighth in internal medicine. Additionally, six active and retired members of the UW community are among 210 new Fellows named to the American Academy of  Arts & Sciences: David Baker, William Gerberding, Andrew Meltzoff, Ed Miles, James Truman and Gunther Uhlmann.

Previously, the University of Washington was ranked the 17th best university in the world by the Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and 22nd among the top 100 global universities by Newsweek. The University of Washington has proven itself to be a world-class institution and it is truly a privilege to represent a region boasting some of the greatest minds in the world. I congratulate them on the honor for the School of Medicine and look forward to continue working together to make sure we provide the best medical care and training possible.

NOAA Day on the Hill

Wednesday May 20th is NOAA Day on the Hill. This year’s theme is “NOAA Knows Climate.” UW Federal Relations staff will be in attendance.

3rd Annual NOAA Day on Capitol Hill

NOAA Day Exhibits and Displays
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 – 10:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – The Foyer – Rayburn House Office Building
See demonstrations, view exhibits, interact with NOAA tools, and speak with NOAA experts and representatives from our Line and Program Offices.

NOAA Day Climate Briefing Series
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 – 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.- 122 Cannon House Office Building
9:00-10:00 a.m. – Climate Change and Our Living Oceans – Sponsored by Representative Lois Capps (D-CA-23) and Representative Brian Baird (D-WA-3)
10:30-11:30 a.m. – Climate Change and the Arctic
12:00-1:00 p.m. – Climate Literacy – Sponsored by Representative Michael Honda (D-CA-15)
1:30-2:30 p.m. – Delivering Climate Services for National, Regional, and Local Constituents
3:00-4:00 p.m. – Climate Change and the Coasts: Effects on Coastal Communities – Sponsored by Representative Lois Capps (D-CA-23)

Bill Would Create National Climate Service

The House Science and Technology Subcommittee on Energy and Environment is expected to mark up draft legislation today that would create an office similar to the National Weather Service to predict changes in climate.  The new “National Climate Service” would be established within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  A National Climate Service (NCS) would provide a single point of contact of information for the user-community.  An NCS would provide climate forecasts and support for planning and management decisions by federal agencies; state, local, and tribal governments; and the private sector.

NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco has indicated that an NCS is a high priority for the administration.  Similar legislation is included in a draft climate and energy bill that the House Energy and Commerce Committee plans to mark up before Memorial Day.

Some members in the scientific community worry that an NCS would duplicate existing programs and others worry that the service should not be housed within NOAA because other agencies and departments hold more of the required expertise. Continue reading “Bill Would Create National Climate Service”