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NSF FY10 Budget Request Overview

**UPDATE** NSF Budget Materials Available

The National Science Foundation has not yet released electronic versions of its FY10 budget request briefing materials. However, the Office of Management has provided an overview of the NSF budget. President Obama has proposed an NSF increase of 8.55% over the FY2009 appropriations level, from $6.49 billion to $7.045 billion.  Within the total request, the Research & Related Activities (R&RA) account is $5.853 billion, the Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (MREFC) account is $117 million, and the Education and Human Resources (EHR) account is $973 million.

HHS FY10 Budget Request Briefing Materials

HHS FY10 Budget Request Briefing Materials

Press Release

Budget Helps Control the Skyrocketing Cost of Health Care, Cuts Waste & Fraud from Medicare and Protects Public Health

Citing the rapidly escalating cost of health care in this country and the enormous pressures that health care costs are putting on our economic future, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today highlighted key reforms in President Obama’s 2010 HHS budget.

“This budget sends a clear message that we can’t afford to wait any longer if we want to get health care costs under control and improve our  fiscal outlook,” said Secretary Sebelius. “Investing in health reform today will help bring down costs tomorrow and ensure all Americans have access to the quality care they need and deserve.”

The 2010 budget establishes a health care reserve fund of $635 billion over 10 years to finance health reform that brings down costs, improves quality, and assures coverage for all Americans.  The reserve is funded by new revenue and by savings from Medicare and Medicaid. Continue reading “HHS FY10 Budget Request Briefing Materials”

NEA FY10 Budget Request Briefing Materials

NEA FY10 Budget Request Briefing Materials

Press Release

National Endowment for the Arts’ 2010 Budget Submitted to Congress

Washington, D.C. – Today, details of the Fiscal Year 2010 budget request for the National Endowment for the Arts were submitted to Congress as part of President Obama’s FY 2010 budget. The President’s budget requests $161.3 million for the agency, an increase of $6.3 million or 4 percent over the NEA’s FY 2009 budget of $155 million. The proposed FY 2010 budget would allow for the distribution of approximately $133 million in grant awards to state and regional arts agencies as well as nonprofit arts organizations in all disciplines across the country to fund performances, exhibitions, tours, festivals, education programs, and other activities. Continue reading “NEA FY10 Budget Request Briefing Materials”

NEH FY10 Budget Request Briefing Materials

NEH FY10 Budget Request Briefing Materials

Press Release

President Obama requests $171.315 million for NEH in FY 2010 Budget seeks increases in funding for federal humanities grant programs 

WASHINGTON (May 7, 2009)–President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2010 budget request for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) seeks funding of $171.315 million, an increase of $16.315 million over the agency’s FY 2009 appropriation.  The request includes $10 million for the Endowment to administer the National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs program, which the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts currently operates.  The 2010 request recommends enhanced support for many of the Endowment’s grant programs in the humanities, including significant increases both for the agency’s Federal/State Partnership and the 56 state humanities councils it supports, and for NEH programs that fund basic research and original scholarship in the humanities. Continue reading “NEH FY10 Budget Request Briefing Materials”

NIH FY10 Budget Request Tables Available

The 2010 Budget provides $30.8 billion in appropriations for NIH, an increase of $443 million or 1.5 percent above the 2009 enacted level. In addition, NIH received $10.4 billion in Recovery Act funding, which will be spent in 2009 and 2010. After relatively sustained funding between 2004 and 2008, the Recovery Act provides an unprecedented increase for NIH. The 2010 Budget continues to support biomedical research.

FY10 Budget Request Table by Institute