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CJS and Defense Up Next

The House Appropriations Committee just completed its markup of the Labor-HHS and Energy and Water Development bills.  It is scheduled to take up tomorrow the FY2021 Commerce-Justice-Science and Defense bills.


Within the CJS bill, NSF would be funded at $8.55 billion, an increase of $270.0 million

The Research and Related Activities would receive $6.97 billion, an increase of $229.9 million above the current level.  The Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction account would be flat funded at $243.2 million.  The Education and Human Resources account would see an increase of $30 million and would be funded at $970.0 million.

The report highlights a number of topics of special emphasis for and interest to Congress.  These include, for example:

Artificial intelligence (AI).—The Committee believes it is important to maintain leadership in artificial intelligence and commends NSF for its significant investments in this area. The Committee recognizes the potential of artificial intelligence to transform the economy, foster economic growth, support national security, and enhance well-being.

To continue the progress in this emerging field, the Committee recommends no less than the fiscal year 2020 levels to support AI related grants and interdisciplinary research initiatives. The committee encourages NSF to continue its efforts in workforce development for AI and other emerging technologies, with focused outreach to community colleges, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, and Minority Serving Institutions.

The Committee urges NSF to invest in the ethical and safe development of AI. Within 90 days of enactment of this Act, NSF shall provide the Committee with a report on its efforts to prioritize investments in AI research. In addition, the Committee encourages NSF to report to the Committee on any cooperative projects on Artificial Intelligence between United States entities and international partners.

Quantum initiative.—The Committee supports NSF’s research program in quantum information science and technology in support of the authorized activities included in section 401 and section 402 of the National Quantum Initiative Act (Public Law 115 368). This emerging field of science promises to yield revolutionary new approaches to computing, sensing, and communication. NSF should remain committed to developing and supporting systems that facilitate tremendous leaps in computational simulation, including artificial intelligence, storage, quantum computing, and data analyses that enable a broad range of scientific research. Leading edge highperformance computing infrastructure is vital for continued U.S. world leadership and international scientific competitiveness, particularly given computational investments and technical achievements in high-performance computing by other nations. The recommendation provides no less than the fiscal year 2020 level for these activities.

Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs).—The Committee supports the work of the Oceans and Human Health program to better understand the public health risk of environmental exposures and encourages NSF to continue to support research into the human health impacts of HABs in marine coastal regions, the Great Lakes Basin, and other freshwater systems. HABs jeopardize the integrity of drinking water resources in these regions. The recommendation provides no less than the fiscal year 2020 level for HAB research activities.

Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs).—The Committee notes that among the minority-serving institutions with whom NSF provides grant opportunities, AANAPISIs are not designated. The Committee urges NSF to increase grant funding opportunities for AANAPISIs, and to reach out to these institutions to raise awareness regarding these grants.

Broadening participation programs.—To broaden the participation of underrepresented populations in STEM education programs and, ultimately, the STEM workforce, the recommendation provides no less than $51,000,000 for the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation; no less than $70,000,000 for the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program; no less than $75,000,000 for the Advanced Technological Education Program; and no less than $18,000,000 for the Tribal Colleges and Universities Program.

Computer Science for All (CSforAll).—CSforAll will help facilitate research into effective approaches to the teaching and learning of computer science across grades Pre-K 12; it is critical to NSF’s mission and to ensure America’s children are prepared for a 21st century economy. The Committee supports this new program and is encouraged by its promise.


The bill would fund the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) at NOAA at $584.4 million, an increase of $36 million above the current level.

Within OAR, the Climate Research program would be funded at $190.0 million, which includes $78 million for Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes and $69 million for Climate Competitive Research.

The OAR account in this bill would also increase by $4 million for the Sea Grant program, bringing the total to $71 million.

The Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), funded through the National Ocean Service at NOAA, would be funded at $40.5 million.


The agency as a whole would be flat funded at $22.6 billion in this bill.  The Science Directorate programs would receive a total of $7.1 billion.  The Space Technology Directorate would see $1.1 billion while Aeronautics would receive $819 million.  As part of the STEM Engagement Office, the Space Grant program would see an increase of $2 million and would be funded at $50 million.

The Science Directorate would break down, in part, in the following manner:

  • Earth Science:  $2.0 billion
  • Planetary Science:  $2.7 billion
  • Astrophysics:  $1.3 billion
  • Webb Telescope:  $423 million
  • Heliophysicis:  $633 million

The bill would fund the WFIRST project at the community-requested level of $505.2 million.


House Appropriations Process Marches On

The FY2021 appropriations process continues to march on in the House, for now, with two more bills slated for committee action today. This afternoon, the Appropriations Committee is scheduled to take up the Labor-HHS-Education and Energy and Water Development bills.


As part of the  overall level of $47 billion for NIH, the Labor-HHS-Education bill would fund:

  • HIV/AIDS Research at $3.1 billion
  • Alzheimer’s research at $2.9 billion

In addition, AHRQ would be funded at $343 million

Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) Title VII health professions and Title VIII nursing  programs would be funded at $512.5 million and $270.0 million, respectively.

The Labor-HHS report also includes the following language with respect to the reporting of foreign gifts that meet certain criteria:

Disclosure of Foreign Gifts and Contracts.—The Committee reminds colleges and universities receiving Federal funds that section 117 of the HEA requires institutions to disclose certain gifts from or contracts with foreign entities and that the Department makes such information publicly available on its website. The Committee directs the Department to work with institutions to improve the reporting process. Disclosure requirements increase transparency and help protect our national security and academic integrity.

In addition to the funding levels for the programs we reported on last week, the House bill would also fund Title VI International Education programs at $80.3 million (an increase of $4.2 million), GAANN at $24.0 million (an increase of $1 million), and the Institute of Education Sciences at $630.5 million (an increase of $7 million).

Energy and Water

The Energy and Water Development bill under consideration today calls for $2.85 billion for the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EER&E) programs, an increase of $58 million.  Within EER&E, renewable energy programs would see a cut of $4 million and would be supported at $638 million.

The bill calls for ARPA-E to be funded at $1.02 billion, which represents an increase of $35 million.

The Office of Science would see $7.05 billion under this bill, an increase of $50 million.  Following programs within Science would be funded in the following manner:

  • Advanced Scientific Computing–  $1.02 billion (+$35 million)
  • Basic Energy Sciences– $2.24 billion (+$29 million)
  • Biological and Environmental Research–  $760 million (+$10 million)
  • Fusion– $680 million (+$9 million)
  • High Energy Physics– $1.08 billion (+$5 million)
  • Nuclear Physics– $715 million (+$2 million)


Michael Kratsios Appointed to Key Defense Research Position

US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has named Michael Kratsios to be Acting Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. Until now, Kratsios has been serving as the White House Chief Technology Officer, and will replace former-NASA Administrator Michael Griffin in his new role.

Prior to starting at the White House, Kratsios held several positions in the financial sector of increasing scope and responsibility. He has a BA from Princeton and was a visiting scholar at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Washington State Files Suit Against DHS

Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a federal lawsuit on Friday against the US Department of Homeland Security, citing harm from the “July 6th Directive” which will require F-1 and M-1 students to leave the US if their classes are entirely online due to COVID-19.

The suit, filed in the US District Court for the Western District of Washington, specifically accuses the rule of being “cruel, arbitrary, and capricious”. The suit goes further to call the directive “illogical and illegal”, and specifically cites harm to institutions such as the University of Washington and our students.


What We’re Reading this Week (July 6th-10th, 2020)

Below is a selection of articles the Federal Relations team read this week.

Robert Fuller: The FBI’s Civil Rights Division will look into the death of Robert Fuller, a 24 year old black man who was found dead outside LA. Police ruled the death a suicide, however the Fuller family suspects foul play. More at BBC.

Outrage over Death of Spc. Vanessa Guillen: Public outrage has mounted after Vanessa Guillen, a US Army soldier stationed at Ft. Hood, was found dead after being reported missing for months. Her disappearance came after she filed sexual harassment allegations. A suspect in the case committed suicide during a police encounter. More at Washington Post.

USDA Leadership Changes: On Friday it was announced that Dr. Parag Chitnis will serve as Acting Director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). Press Release.

President in Florida: President Trump has arrived in Florida for a fundraiser and an anti-drug trafficking meeting, however many express concerns that cases are spiking in the state. More at USA Today.

Disney: America’s most recognizable theme park, Disney World, will reopen on July 11th in a phased approach. More at CNN.

Seoul Mayor Passes Away: Park Won-Soon, the Mayor of Seoul, South Korea, was found dead on a mountainside near his home. Police declined to give further details, but ruled out foul play. Media reports note that a sexual misconduct allegation had been filed against Park on Wednesday, however under Korean law investigations close if the accused dies. More at CNN.