31 Search results found for: “fiscal cliff”

Three weeks to “Fiscal Cliff”

December 11, 2012

“Fiscal cliff” discussions continue to dominate the public airwaves as the White House continues to negotiate with House Speaker Boehner (R-OH) on a possible deal.  The word on the street today is that the Speaker has asked the White House for more details about its position on taxes, and the President’s team has asked the House GOP for more details about its desires on spending.  This is a good sign with only three weeks to go before the Bush tax rates…

Fiscal Cliff Countdown: 26 Days

December 6, 2012

Negotiations continue between the Obama administration and congressional leaders on deficit reduction legislation that would need to be approved by Congress before the end of the year to avoid the sequester and tax increases. Last week the President released his proposal, which took a hard line on both taxes and entitlement spending, with increased tax revenues accounting for the greatest share of deficit reduction.  Not surprisingly, that proposal was quickly criticized by republicans who then issued a counteroffer that was…

No Deal Yet to Avoid Fiscal Cliff

November 29, 2012

Today, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said that “no substantive progress has been made” on fiscal cliff negotiations, and warned that if Democrats don’t come up with a better compromise on entitlements and spending then “there’s a real danger of going off the fiscal cliff.”  This confirms that talks to stave off the full range of tax increases and spending cuts at year’s end have made little apparent progress since President Obama met with congressional leaders at the White House…

NIH Addresses Funding “Cliff”

May 6, 2010

Yesterday, the National Institutes of Health director told Senate appropriators that the agency’s funding will face a “cliff” in FY11 when a two-year allocation of $10.4 billion in stimulus money for research runs out.  NIH Director Francis Collins also told committee members that during the past 30 years NIH grant applicants had a 25 percent to 30 percent chance of success at obtaining funding. That level has now slipped to 21 percent and is expected to fall even further to…

And here comes the NEXT Spending Battle

February 25, 2019

Although the FY2019 spending situation has finally been resolved, another potentially protracted spending fight is already underway.  Without an agreement to lift the statutory limits on how much the government can spend during FY2020, the federal government is looking at a very steep fiscal cliff and significant automatic cuts. In 2011, House and Senate negotiators came up with, and the Obama Administration agreed to, a plan that was considered so potentially draconian that no one thought that parts of the plan…