31 Search results found for: “fiscal cliff”

Economic Outlook for 2013

August 29, 2012

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) yesterday released its updated “Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 to 2022.” According to CBO: “For fiscal year 2012 (which ends on September 30), the federal budget deficit will total $1.1 trillion, CBO estimates, marking the fourth year in a row with a deficit of more than $1 trillion. That projection is down slightly from the $1.2 trillion deficit that CBO projected in March. At 7.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), this year’s…

CR Through March 2013?

July 27, 2012

House and Senate leaders appear to have reached a deal on a continuing resolution (CR) to fund the federal government for six months beyond the start of the federal fiscal year on October 1st.  The CR would extend current funding levels through March 2013.  The effort, if approved by Congress, will avert any threats of a government shutdown just a month before the November elections.  Details of the CR will likely be released early next week but it is not…

Odds and Ends for the Week

June 22, 2012

Student Loan Interest Rates:  Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are getting close to a deal to prevent student loan rates from doubling on July 1st, from 3.4 percent up to 6.8 percent.  A deal could be announced as soon as today, although early next week seems more likely. The talks have centered on how to pay the roughly $6 billion it will cost to keep the interest rate on federal Stafford loans at 3.4 percent. Unless…

Senator Harkin Introduces Education Jobs Fund Bill, Senator Murray a Co-Sponsor

April 15, 2010

**Updated 4/16/10** Yesteday Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and of the Senate appropriations panel that oversees education funding, introduced a bill that would provide $23 billion for an Education Jobs Fund. The Education Jobs Fund is modeled after the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) portion of the 2009 Recovery Act, equaling almost half the SFSF total and allocated in much the same manner. The new fund is intended to further restore…