You must repay your loan even if you don’t complete your degree or can’t find a job related to your program of study, or are unhappy with the education you paid for with your loan.
However, sometimes you can get your loan discharged (forgiven so you don’t have to repay it), but only under very limited circumstances, such as becoming totally and permanently disabled or if you die.
There are also some provisions for Public Service Loan Forgiveness through the Direct Loan Program. If you work for a qualifying public service organization, you may be eligible for loan forgiveness if you meet all of the required qualifications. Check the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program Q&As and Fact Sheet to see if you can take advantage of this benefit.
If you have a Perkins Loan and teach in a designated low-income school, you may qualify for loan forgiveness as well. Always check your promissory note for terms and conditions of possible loan forgiveness for any of your government loans.
There are also other conditions under which your loan may be partially or fully cancelled. Always check your promissory note for terms and conditions of possible loan forgiveness for any of your government loans. In addition, contact your loan servicer if you need more information about your eligibility or how to apply for benefits.