How To Apply
You need to complete the 2024-25 FAFSA or 2024-25 WASFA. If you are an international student, you need to complete the 2024-25 International Student Financial Statement.
You apply for Childcare Assistance by submitting the quarterly application:
If you do not know the childcare provider information at the time you complete the Childcare Assistance Application you can provide the information at a later date using Childcare Enrollment Information.
If you meet the eligibility requirements below, and if we have remaining funding you will be awarded Childcare Assistance.
The application for each respective quarter will be available as follows:
Quarter | Application Available | Months Covered | Application |
Summer | Jun. 13 – Aug. 16 | July, August, September | Closed |
Autumn | Sept. 5 – Nov. 27 | October, November, December | Closed |
Winter | Dec. 2 – Feb. 7 | January, February, March | Closed |
Spring | Feb. 28 – Apr. 18 | April, May, June | Open |
If you wish to apply for Childcare Assistance for a prior quarter, please contact our office.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to qualify for Childcare Assistance you need to:
- be enrolled at UW Seattle Campus,
- be the legal, physical, custodial parent of the child,
- meet financial need requirements,
- pay Service and Activities fee any quarter receiving the subsidy, and
- use the Department of Children, Youth and Families licensed provider not related by blood or marriage to the student.
Financial Need Requirements
Funding for the Childcare Assistance Program is limited to student parents with financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid based on your FAFSA/WASFA or your International Student Financial Statement.
Funding is awarded on a quarterly basis with available funds. Beginning with the 2016-2017 year the federally calculated SAI (Student Aid Index) from students’ completed FAFSA/WASFA are used in determining a student’s resources. SAIs are calculated from the information provided on the International Student Financial Statement for International Students. We continue to re-assess and evaluate our funding levels throughout the quarter trying to meet the needs of as many student parents as we are able.
2024-25 Childcare Assistance Award Amounts
The amount of childcare assistance is determined by the ages(s) of your children and your enrollment status. Below you will find the maximum amounts awarded. Adjustments may be made if you do not have your child in care for a month or part of a month or if you are receiving outside childcare funding or if your actual childcare costs are lower than the grant amounts listed below. Funding and grant amounts are not guaranteed and are dependent upon funds allocations, availability and program utilization.
Award Amounts Full-time (graduate students 6 credits or more, undergraduate students/professional students 7 credits or more)
Ages | Maximum Monthly Amount | Maximum Quarterly Amount |
Infants (birth – 12 months) | $1,000 per month | $3,000 per quarter |
Toddlers (1 – 3 years old) | $1,000 per month | $3,000 per quarter |
Preschoolers (3 – 6 years old) | $650 per month | $1,950 per quarter |
School Age (7 – 12 years old) | $330 per month | $990 per quarter |
Award Amounts Part-time (graduate students 5 credits or less, undergraduate students/professional students 6 credits or less)
Ages | Maximum Monthly Amount | Maximum Quarterly Amount |
Infants (birth – 12 months) | $500 per month | $1,500 per quarter |
Toddlers (1 – 3 years old) | $500 per month | $1,500 per quarter |
Preschoolers (3 – 6 years old) | $325 per month | $975 per quarter |
School Age (7 – 12 years old) | $165 per month | $495 per quarter |
Funds are disbursed to students via direct deposit through the UW student account system beginning one week prior to the first day of the quarter (except for the summer quarter). Summer quarter funds will be disbursed after July 1st. The funds will be available provided all necessary forms have been properly completed and submitted to the office.
The Childcare Assistance Program covers 3 full calendar months each quarter, regardless of the first/last day of the academic quarter, if childcare costs were accrued.
Sign up for direct deposit through your Financial Aid Status under Student Finances in MyUW. This direct deposit is separate from any direct deposit you might have set up with UW Payroll.
Please note: it takes 2-3 business days for the funds to arrive in the student’s bank account. If direct deposit is not set up, a check will be mailed to the student’s local address.
Information regarding the amount of your funding or disbursement of your funds will not be released to anyone other than the awarded student unless a yearly authorization for information release is completed online with the Office of Student Financial Aid (Direct deposit and information release can be set up online through your Student Personal Service via MyUW.
Tax Information
Money received through the Childcare Assistance Program may be considered taxable income and will be listed on your 1098T form.
International Students: If you are receiving additional Grant or Fellowship funding, that combined with your Childcare Grant exceeds your tuition charge you may be subject to a 14% tax on the amount that exceeds tuition. Please review tax information regarding “ Foreign Person’s U.S. Source income” IRS’s website.
Please note: we are not trained to advise on tax laws. Please contact a tax advisor for their instructions.