Student & Loan Info
- Select award year
- the award year begins with summer quarter and runs through spring so to borrow for Summer 2023 through Spring 2024 select the 2023-2024 award year.
- Student
- either select your son/daughter from the drop down box or enter in their name, social security number, and date of birth. If you select them from the drop down box, it is important that you verify their information (ssn, dob) is correct – if not you can make any needed changes.
- enter in or verify your son/daughter’s permanent address and phone number.
- defer payment while student in school — select Yes to defer repayment of the parent loan while your student is enrolled at an eligible school on at least a half-time basis. Otherwise select No to begin repayment 60 days after the last disbursement of the loan. Interest on the loan begins accruing as soon as the loan disburses regardless of your deferment option.
- loan funds to satisfy other charges — select the check box to authorize payment of educationally related costs in addition to tuition, fees and room and board costs. These secondary charges may include items such as lab fees, library fines, and departmental charges.
- credit balance option — if after tuition and fees are paid, additional funds are available, do you want them sent to you or disbursed to your son/daughter? The UW does not have the ability to deposit funds in parents’ bank accounts unless that is the account the student uses when setting up direct deposit. Payments to parents will be made via check sent to parents’ permanent address used in the application process. Payments to students are either deposited to their bank account or sent by check if not signed up for direct deposit.
- School
- select school your student will be attending
- loan amount requested — you may borrow up to the cost of attendance for the academic year; this cost of attendance includes allowances for housing, books, transportation, and personal expenses. If you want to borrow a lesser amount, enter in the amount you want to borrow for the academic year. If you are uncertain about the amount to borrow, contact the Financial Aid Office and select ‘I do not know the amount I want to borrow.’
- loan period — select the loan period you would like to borrow the loan. Even if your student is beginning in Autumn quarter, you can select the default year of July – June. If you only want to borrow for one or two quarters, select other then the specific time frame. If borrowing for less than a year, please contact our office so we can adjust the award.
Borrower Information
The questions asked will be about you – the parent borrower:
- Citizenship
- you must be a US citizen, permanent resident or other eligible non-citizen in order to borrow a loan.
- Default certification
- you must not be in default on any Direct, FFEL or Perkins loan.
- Permanent Address
- enter in your permanent address, telephone number and email address.
- Employer information
- enter in your employer information if employed, otherwise select ‘I am not employed’.
- Carefully review all the information you have provided. Verify both your and your student’s social security numbers. Also make sure that you are the borrower and your student is listed as the student. Make any changes as needed.
- When the PLUS request process is complete, a credit check will be run. Credit checks are valid for 180 days. If you have applied for an additional parent loan within the last 180 days, a new credit check will not be run. You will be notified immediately if your credit was approved or denied.
- If the credit check was approved, the next step is to complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN). The Direct Loan system will display if a Master Promissory Note has been completed for your student. If not, it will prompt you to complete an MPN.
If the credit check is denied, you will be presented with the following options: appeal the credit decision; obtain an endorser (co-signer); not pursue a loan at this time; or undecided. - If you are obtaining an endorser, they will login to the Direct Loans website using their personal information and FSA Id. They will need to know either the loan id or application id.
- Borrowers with endorsers for their loans will also need to complete PLUS Counseling before their loan can be disbursed.
- If you decide to not pursue a parent loan due to your denial, your student may be eligible for additional unsubsidized loans. Contact the Financial Aid Office for information.
Master Promissory Note (MPN)
Borrower Information
The first group of questions relate to you – the parent borrower:
- Citizenship — US Citizen, permanent resident, other eligible non-citizen, or other
- Driver’s license number & state
- Permanent address
- Phone number
- Employer information
Information about your son/daughter (the student) is entered next:
- Student name, social security number and date of birth
- School your student is attending
- References – either select from the drop down box if you have previously entered in your references’ information, or type in their name; address; email address; phone number; and their relationship to you.
- It is important that you read through the terms and conditions of the award to understand your rights and obligations with regard to the loan you are agreeing to borrow.
- The final step of completing the Master Promissory Note requires you, the parent borrower, to review the information you have provided, then enter in your first name, middle initial, and last name to electronically sign the note.
The Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment (ASLA) is available at Who should complete the ASLA? Borrowers accepting a subsidized/unsubsidized loan, a PLUS loan for graduate/professional students, or a PLUS loan for parents. Borrowers are acknowledging that they understand their responsibility to repay the loan and that they understand how much they owe and how much more they can borrow.