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Scenes from the first half of #UWinChina

Photographers have been capturing scenes from the first half of the #UWinChina events, from a visit to Tsinghua University, to meeting Jack Ma at Alibaba’s headquarters, to experiencing some of the history and culture of China. Here are a few of our favorites.

Members of the UW Men's Basketball teamThe group took a tour of the Alibaba campusPresident Ana Mari Cauce gives the keynote address at the Innovation and Big Data ForumThe UW Cheer Squad and Harry the Husky with Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott, Jack Ma and Ana Mari CaucePresident Cauce and Commissioner Scott watch a Washington Husky Men's Basketball practiceThe Washington Husky Men's Basketball team and NBA legend Bill Walton tour the headquarters of AlibabaA partnership created in June with the launch of the Global Innovation Exchange was further deepened Monday in Beijing as the University of Washington and Tsinghua University signed an agreement creating a dual degree program.Former Washington governers Christine Gregoire and Gary Locke and UW President Ana Mari Cauce visit Tsinghua University.Jack Ma and Pac-12 Commissioner Larry ScottUW Men's Basketball Head Coach Lorenzo RomarPresident Ana Mari Cauce with Alibaba Founder Jack Ma

All photos courtesy of Dan Schlatter (UW), Chad Ingraham (Shanghai) and the Pac-12

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Visit UW Athletics’ site for more photos of Huskies in China.