First Lady Michelle Obama praised UW senior Philmon Haile during a recent speech at Peking University, quoting from his remarks at a Washington D.C. event celebrating President Obama’s 100,000 Strong initiative.
Philmon has studied abroad several times, interning at the US Embassy Beijing, conducting field research in rural China and volunteering in Jordan. He was recently awarded the Rangel Graduate Fellowship, which supports graduate study and professional development in preparation for a career in the Foreign Service.
A new Department of History course challenges students to explore the complicated history of health intervention. Through critical examination of case studies from the Middle Ages to the present day, Associate Professor Adam Warren hopes to empower and inspire students to take leadership and learn from history. Read more from A&S Perspectives…
Through the “Future of Ice” Initiative, the University of Washington is leveraging faculty expertise and making new investments to build a pipeline of thinkers, researchers and leaders focused on Arctic regional issues. Eight countries hold territory within the region, but a changing landscape due to rapidly melting sea ice is attracting attention from new international players. With its unique resources and interdisciplinary expertise related to the Arctic, UW is uniquely positioned it to make an impact through teaching, research and collaborative partnerships.
Undergraduates Garrett Knoll and Walter O’Toole and graduate student Erica Escajeda are three of a growing group of UW students preparing for diverse leadership roles in the changing Arctic.
Unique resources
Erica is first-year graduate student conducting thesis research on the Polar Bears of Baffin Island, Canada. UW offers her the opportunity to be mentored by outstanding faculty and participate in specialized research.
“What really drew me to the UW was Dr. Laidre’s research at the Polar Science Center. It’s an incredible resource, and the research is cutting edge.”
Without Dr. Lairdre’s connections in Canada and Greenland, she adds, “I would not be able to travel to the Arctic at all during the course of my master’s research due to funding constraints.”
Walter O’Toole with fellow Inuktitut language student Caitlyn Evans and instructors Alexina Kublu and Prof. Mick Mallon Photo: Melanie Eng via Jackson School of International Studies
An English major, Walter is expanding his understanding of the Arctic by studying Inuktitut, an Inuit language spoken in tribal communities in the Canadian Arctic. He and one other student – a Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellow in Inuktitut and aspiring environmental lawyer – study with two instructors, a language expert and a native speaker from Canada.
“Inuktitut is quite different than any other class I’ve taken UW,” he says, “There are only two students, so that makes for a lot of interaction with our professors. It’s mostly done over Skype, which can be spotty at times, but without videoconferencing I wouldn’t even have the opportunity to learn Inuktitut. Both [instructors] are accomplished Inuktitut linguists.”
An interdisciplinary approach
Through UW’s “Future of Ice” course this winter quarter, led by instructors Nadine Fabbi and Eric Steig, Walter, Garrett and Erica are engaging with six Polar region experts, including scientists, political and indigenous leaders and wildlife photographers. Each guest provides a new and different perspective on changes facing northern regions.
“I really like how the class brings in the top people from a variety of fields all having to do with the Polar Regions,” Garrett explains,
“An interdisciplinary perspective is essential to a topic like the Arctic because it involves so many different fields and ways of thinking. You have to have a grasp on all of them in order to understand the whole picture.”
Erica Escajeda working in Nome, Alaska as a field technician Photo: Erica Escajeda
Erica is excited to broaden her knowledge of the political, cultural and scientific issues surrounding the Arctic. “Interdisciplinary courses like the ‘Future of Ice’ instill a deeper sense of collaboration, and hopefully inspire students to think outside of their fields. The lessons I’ve learned from the course are readily connected to my own research and career goals.”
Walter is pursuing the unique Arctic Studies minor jointly offered by the Jackson School of International Studies and the School of Oceanography. The interdisciplinary minor provides cultural, political and scientific perspectives on the rapidly changing region. “[My instructors’] enthusiasm for my studies in Inuktitut is wonderful; they each are incredibly knowledgeable in their fields, and they have been eager to share their knowledge with me, going out of their way to help me expand my awareness of the Arctic.”
Diverse directions
Walter plans to pursue graduate studies in English and make a career teaching and writing. “Through the Arctic Minor, I hope gain understanding of the context in which Arctic and Inuit literatures are created, an understanding that could enable me to teach in those areas.”
Garrett Knoll shows his exhibit to a young visitor at Polar Science Weekend Photo: Garrett Knoll
Erica’s career trajectory also points north. She is considering teaching or working as a research scientist and biological consultant on Arctic issues.
An Aquatic & Fisheries science major “hooked on Arctic Studies”, Garrett is using his science training to educate the public about a little known Arctic species, the Greenland shark. For his capstone project, Garrett designed an interactive game that teaches kids about the animal by inviting them to pick out plastic animals they think the shark would eat.
Garrett shared his game at the Pacific Science Center’s Polar Science Weekend. His dedication won’t stop there. “After I graduate I hope to get involved with outreach programs that get kids interested in science by taking them out into the field and showing them the incredible animals that inhabit our world.”
Children from the US, China and Mexico participated in a recently-published study by University of Washington researcher Kristina Olson and colleagues from Yale and the University of Pennsylvania. The group examined children’s reactions to a video where puppets make their own drawing or copy a friend’s drawing. Despite cultural differences, 5 and 6 year-old children from all three countries viewed negatively the puppet who stole his friend’s idea. Read more at UW Today…
Alumni Allen Chen, Mohamed El-Zohairy and Bobby Mathews met as Computer Science & Engineering majors. A decade after graduation, they reunited in Cairo to found CloudPress, an online platform that allows users to create and share content like cookbooks, catalogs and instruction manuals. Their venture may have been risky – they started up during the Egyptian Revolution with the help of a tech accelerator – but it has paid off immensely. CloudPress was recently acquired by NewsCorp. Read more at GeekWire…
The 2014 Charles E. Odegaard Award will honor Denny Hurtado, a Skykomish tribal leader whose leadership has positively impacted the K-12 education system and the University of Washington. Together with the wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ (Intellectual House) Advisory Committee, Hurtado is working to build a longhouse on the UW campus. Read more at UW Today…
KUOW’s Ross Reynolds spoke with University of Washington professor Scott Radnitz about anti-government protests in Ukraine. Radnitz directs UW’s Ellison Center for Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies. The country’s population is politically divided, he explained, “…what happens in Ukraine is really going to be very important to the future of Eastern Europe.” Read more and listen…
Burma faces many challenges in its path toward democracy. University of Washington is partnering with Microsoft and USAID to make the transition a little easier. USAID awarded a 1.5 million dollar grant to UW’s Jackson School of International Studies and Information School to bring new technologies and training to Burma. The tools will be used to facilitate policy-making and higher education reform. Microsoft matched the USAID grant and will contribute software and expertise. Read more…
When leaders at Seattle design firm DLR Group needed new talent to reach their goal of winning new projects in Asia, they turned to a UW alumnus with strong connections to Seattle and China. Kevin Zhang, a graduate of UW’s M.S. in Architecture program and a native of Tianjin, China, has put his graduate training as well as cultural and linguistic fluency to work for the firm. With Zhang’s help, DLR Group recently won a bid to redesign a power plant in Shanghai, gaining a new foothold in China for the Seattle firm. Read more from The Graduate School…
Faculty, staff, students and community members are invited to view a live broadcast from the UW Rome Center on February 13.
The broadcast will feature a lecture by Dr. Franco Frattini, President of the Italian Society for International Organizations; Former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security. Dr. Frattini will explore the current trend towards European integration through his lecture: “European Union Integration: Toward the Unites States of Europe?”.
The broadcast will take place at 9am PST in 115 William H. Gates Hall on Thursday, February 13. Professor Jeffrey Riedinger, UW Vice Provost for Global Affairs, will welcome Dr. Frattini and attendees on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
The event is hosted by UW Office of Global Affairs, UW School of Law, the Jackson School of International Studies, the European Union Center of Excellence of Seattle, the Center for Western European Studies and UW French & Italian Studies.
A light breakfast will be served at the event. Please RSVP to