Nadya Ekhteraee-Sanaee
B.A., Economics
Judy Twedt
Ph.D., Climate Data Sonification
Jiaqi Kyki Li
B.A., Anthropology, Dance
Emily Clouse
B.A., Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
Leah Ruggerone
Pharm.D., Pharmacy
Jax Hermer
DNP, Nursing (Population Health Nursing)
Hannah Jeong
B.S., Nursing
John Avi Socha
B.A., Law, Economics & Public Policy
We > Me
Sami Bailey
B.S., Public Health
Kelly Hoang
B.S., Industrial Engineering
Sarah Duncan
B.S., Public Health
Katherine Brower
B.A., Japanese, B.S., Microbiology
Nayeli Sargent
B.A., Communication
Samantha De Abreu
Ph.D., Environmental and Forest Sciences
Sarah Rubin
B.S., Psychology
Ty Youngblood
Ph.D., Bioengineering
Michael Diamond
Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences
Molly Gasperini
Ph.D., Genome Sciences
Solomon Muche
B.S., Bioengineering
Khatsini Simani
B.A., Business Administration (Finance)
Together We Will
Burren Peil
B.A., Comparative History of Ideas, B.S., Human Centered Design & Engineering
Jocelyn Ramos Gonzales
B.S., Neurobiology
Karley Benoff
B.S., Mechanical Engineering
Natalie Lowell
Ph.D., Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
Aishwarya Mandyam
B.S., Computer Science (Data Science), B.A., Philosophy
Arnela Grebovic
B.S., Aeronautics & Astronautics
Melissa Medsker (Galloway)
B.S., Human-Centered Design & Engineering: Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Science
Brendon Krall
B.A., Business Administration (Finance), Public Health
Colton Twiddy
B.A. Architectural Studies with Construction Management, Construction Management with Architectural Studies
Caleb Perez
B.S., Bioengineering
Jordan Brown-Woolston
M.A., Non-Profit Management
Jie Yin
B.S., Biochemistry, Microbiology
Samantha Gil Vargas
B.S., Human Centered Design & Engineering
Connor Kafka
B.S., Electrical Engineering
Hayden Campbell
M.A., Urban Design & Planning
Ali Cho
B.A., Political Science
Angela Ramos Henderson
Master of Cybersecurity and Leadership
Itzue W. Caviedes-Solis
Ph.D., Biology
Brit Barnhouse
B.A., Writing Studies
Bryan Nakata
B.A., Communication (Journalism)
Joy Turner
MPA., Public Administration (Nonprofit Management)
Anneka Olson
M.A., Community Planning
Adrian Alarilla
M.A., International Studies: Southeast Asia
Angel Chen
B.S., Economics, Mathematics
Passion Never Rests
Leah Shin
B.A., Business Administration, Interactive Media Design
Amanda Levenson
B.S., Chemical Engineering
Hannah Takemori
B.A., History
Lauren Kang
Ph.D., Chemistry
Katrina Salazar Punzalan
B.A., American Ethnic Studies, Law, Societies & Justice
Richard Gentzkow
B.A., Integrated Social Sciences
Natalie Beth Garces
B.A., Business Administration (Marketing)
Kendy Q. Trinh
B.A., Ethnic, Gender & Labor Studies
Ellena Jones
B.A., Social Work
Nuttada Panpradist
Ph.D., Bioengineering, Public Health: Global Health of Women, Adolescents and Children
Cecilia Pérez
B.S., Nursing
Tanya Kumar
B.A., Educational Studies, Law, Economics & Public Policy
Dare to Do
Dylan Tran
B.A., American Ethnic Studies, Education, Communities and Organizations
Allison Pace
B.A., Community Psychology
Rachel Hutto
Ph. D., Biochemistry
Robyn Langevin
B.S., Bioengineering: Nanoscience & Molecular Engineering
Warisha Soomro
Joshua Dawson
B.S., Biology
Alexis Rodriguez-Pantaleon
B.S., Biology (General)
Justin Thompson
MD., Medicine
Sedona Ewbank
B.S., Biochemistry, Neurobiology
Kaitlyn Casimo
Ph.D., Neuroscience
Mitch Aman
B.A., Political Science, Law, Societies, & Justice
Matt Munoz
MPA, Public Administration
Be the First
Korena Mafune
Ph.D., Environmental and Forest Sciences
Lin Wu
Ph.D., Education (Curriculum & Instruction)
Mollye Zahler
B.S., Biology (General)
Natalie Lawrence
B.A., Psychology
Kimberly Ruth
B.S., Computer Engineering, B.A., Mathematics
Lisa Fryett (Blackfeet)
B.A., Society, Ethics & Human Behavior
Beck Adelante
B.A., Arts, Media & Culture
Richard W. Lee
Pharm. D., Pharmacy
Yesenia Velasquez
M.S., Accounting, B.A., Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
Maria Villegas
B.A., Political Science, Dance
Dustine Bowker
B.A., Political Science, Law, Societies & Justice
Rachel Gerstenfeld
B.A., Psychology
Question the Answer
Aayush Saxena
B.S., Informatics
Katie Reichard
Ph.D., Neuroscience
Henry Milander
B.A., Business Administration (Finance), International Studies, Near Eastern Studies (Languages & Civilization)
Mahlet Assefa
MD., Medicine
Youcef Yacoub Bennour
B.S., Computer Science and Systems
Kamaka'ike (Natalie) Bruecher
B.A., Public Health, Anthropology: Medical Anthropology & Global Health
Tina Hernandez
BASW, Social Work
Gurdeep Gill
B.A., Philosophy
Amanda Chalfant
B.S., Computer Science
Carol Bogezi
Ph.D., Wildlife Science
Tsewone Melaku
B.S., Human Centered Design & Interaction: Human-Computer Interaction
Be A World of Good
Kaia Boonzaier
B.A., International Studies, Economics
Christine Wang
MD., Medicine
Fahad Alshehri
B.S., Computer Science & Software Engineering
Casi Goodman
B.S., Mechanical Engineering
Chester Pham
B.S., Chemical Engineering: Nanoscience & Molecular Engineering
Thien-Tu Lien
B.A., American Ethnic Studies, Math, Diversity
Emma Spickard
B.S., Public Health
Osman Salahuddin
B.S., Neurobiology