

The new IMA Pool features 14 25-yard lanes ranging from 4 feet in the shallow end to 5-9 feet in the deep end. When the IMA is open, the pool is open! Lap lanes are available on a first-come first-serve basis, and we ask that swimmers share lanes when it gets busy. The number of lap lanes available will vary depending on other scheduled programming; see the Pool Schedule below.

Pool entry points include 1 zero-entry ramp (with available pool wheelchair), 1 in-water staircase, 6 entry ladders, and 1 chairlift. The 3 new Universal Locker Rooms have direct access to the pool deck. The locker rooms include private cabanas, changing rooms, and toilet rooms, in addition to vanity areas, suit spinners, free-to-use towels, and overnight locker storage (free for UW Seattle matriculated students and $20 per quarter for all other rec members).

Pool Schedule

IMA Pool Hours: Correspond with the IMA Building hours, with the exception that the IMA Pool closes 30 minutes prior to the IMA Building daily.

IMA Pool Facility Schedule

Weekly pool schedule by lane

For a simplified visual calendar of the pool’s weekly scheduling, see below. Please note the schedule below does not reflect one-off events (i.e. Intramurals, private swim lessons), unique changes to the schedule, or reduced IMA hours. For a more accurate calendar, please refer to the Facility Calendar.  To see the IMA operational hours, refer here:

Winter Quarter, 2024:

Updated 1/3/2025

Facility Policies

Posted Pool Rules

  • No swimming when lifeguards are not present. 
  • You must take a cleansing shower before using the pool. 
  • Swimmers must wear appropriate swimwear made of pool-safe materials (not 100% cotton). 
  • If you have been ill with diarrhea or vomiting in the last two weeks or have a disease that can be transmitted by water, do not use the pool. 
  • People with seizure, heart, or circulatory problems should inform the lifeguard prior to entering the pool and have prior approval for aquatic activity from their physician. 
  • No running or rough playing. 
  • No food or drink is allowed in the pool area (non-glass water bottles are permitted). 
  • Do not use the pool when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 
  • Aquatic staff may prohibit behaviors they deem potentially unsafe, dangerous, or inappropriate outside of these rules in order to maintain the safety of all users.  
  • Failure to adhere to facility/pool policies may result in the loss of facility use.  
  • In an emergency, call 911. 
  • The emergency phone is located in the First Aid/Pool Office. 
  • The First Aid Kit and AED are located in the First Aid/Pool Office. 

Additional Pool Rules

  • No walking or sitting on the ramp barrier. 
  • No holding, sitting on, or laying on the lane lines.
  • No horseplay, including but not limited to: piggyback rides, wrestling, dunking, grabbing, and supporting someone else’s weight in the water.
  • No flips into the pool (backflips or frontflips).
  • No extended underwater breath-holding for longer than one length of the lane. No breath-holding contests or training unless approved by the Aquatics Manager and supervised by a trained professional.
  • No inflatable toys/items in the pool unless permitted during a special event and/or approved by the manager. 
  • Return any equipment used to its appropriate location.
  • Hang towels on available hooks. Shoes should be lined up against the wall at the end of your lane.
  • Do not place any bags or other personal items on the deck. The walkway must remain clear for accessibility and rescue procedures.
  • No changing clothes on deck or any other open space. Only change in cabanas, bathrooms, and changing rooms.
  • Share lanes as needed. 2 swimmers may split a lane, 3 or more swimmers must circle swim.
  • UW Recreation staff are the only ones allowed to train or coach.
  • The pool is a community space which lifeguards are responsible for scanning constantly in order to ensure swimmers’ safety. As such, please refrain from excessive PDA while in and around the pool.
  • No photo/video.
  • No texting/phone conversations.

Pool Information

Who may use the IMA Pool?

The IMA Pool is open to all UW Recreation members and their approved guests. Per IMA Building policy, all UW Rec members and guests must be at least 16 years old. For IMA access and membership questions, please refer here:

Are lap lanes assigned different speeds?

We want everyone to swim in the depth they are most comfortable, so there are very minimal restrictions on lane speeds. Lane 1, accessible via the ramp and staircase, is a designated slow lane for lap swim or water walking. All other available lanes are first-come, first-serve so swimmers may choose whichever lane they’d like. When all lanes already have a swimmer, you are responsible for selecting a lane in which the current swimmer is going a speed similar to you. Lifeguards are available to assist with picking an appropriate lane.

Where do I put my belongings?

Hooks are located in alcoves around the pool space to hang towels. Shoes may be placed under towel hooks and out of the walking path. Larger items such as bags and backpacks should be stored in our quarter or day-use lockers. The pool deck should be clear of personal items for increased accessibility and in case of emergency.

How can I use the chair lift or water wheelchair?

Chair Lift

The chair lift is located in the Southeast corner of the pool, and reaches only Lane 14, at a depth of 5 feet. The lane slopes to 9 feet deep halfway through. Any swimmer currently in Lane 14 who is not using the chair lift will be asked to move to another lane if the chair lift is requested.

Patrons are welcome to utilize the chair lift with or without Lifeguard assistance. The chair can be moved using arrow keys on the battery pack or on the water-resistant corded remote, reachable by someone sitting in the chair.

Water Wheelchair

The water wheelchair is located at the Northwest corner of the pool deck, and may only be used to access the pool or locker rooms. The chair should not be used to transport injured participants to or from other rooms in the IMA.

The chair fits down the in-water ramp, which descends slowly from 0 feet to 4 feet deep. Due to the height of the seat and and the depth of the shallow end, the chair may not be used for activities once in the water. It is designed to get swimmers into and out of the shallow end.


  • Two swing-away arms for transferring.
  • Optional footrest which slides in and out.
  • Main wheels with handgrips for manual propulsion.
  • Two Locking front wheels.
  • Anti-tip legs which prevent the chair from tipping forward while in use.
  • Made of PVC pipe and mesh fabric.


  • Seat width 21”
  • Seat depth 16”
  • Back height 16”
  • 350lb maximum weight
  • Floor to seat height 21”

For more answers, or to schedule a tour of the pool space prior to paying for entry, reach out to

Is the IMA Pool available to reserve or rent?

The IMA pool is available for a limited number of rentals from Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and UW Departments. We are not currently renting to outside groups.

If you are interested in renting the IMA pool, please first review our facility details and restrictions.

  • Access points: 6 ladders, one ramp, one staircase, one chair lift.
  • 14 lanes long, 25 yards wide.
  • Depth: shallow end of 4 feet. Deep end slopes from 5 feet to 9 feet deep.
  • There is no viewing or spectating room on the pool deck itself.
  • One rental is limited to 5 lanes maximum (based on availability), 5 swimmers per lane.
  • IMA policy limits all users to 16 years of age or older.

If you would like to inquire about renting the IMA pool, please contact the Aquatics Manager, Josephine Vander Klay (, with the details listed below:

  • The projected or ideal date and time of the event.
  • Are you looking for a one-time or recurring rental?
  • The number and depth of lanes requested, and any deck space necessary.
  • What type of activity are you planning (i.e. lap swimming, racing, diving)? Does it require the removal of lane lines?
  • What equipment is needed, and/or do you anticipate bringing any equipment (prior approval required)?
  • How many participants do you anticipate for this event?
    • Note that all participants must be current UW students or employees, otherwise they must follow standard IMA entry restrictions.
  • Any activities with increased risk to participants outside normal swimming (i.e. scuba diving, kayaking, etc.) will require a safety plan in writing prior to the event.

Please note some activities are not allowed during rentals without a trained and/or certified coach supervising the event.

What is the IMA First Aid/Pool Office?

The IMA First Aid/Pool Office is located at the north end of the IMA Pool. This office can be accessed from the 1st floor hallway or from the pool. The Lifeguards are available to prevent and respond to water and land emergencies. When the pool is open there will always be Lifeguards on deck. The Lifeguards also respond to injuries and emergencies for the IMA Building at large. If you have an injury or emergency please go to the IMA First Aid/Pool Office for assistance or call 206.543.7393.

Can you administer float tests?

It depends on the type of test. Any UW department or RSO looking to organize a group swim test can reach out to to inquire about options. Additional costs may apply. Staffing is not available for one-off or individual 10-minute swim tests. Questions can be directed to

Work for  Aquatics

For more information and to apply, please visit the employment page, or contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About Accessibility?

UW Recreation’s programs, operations, and facilities are intended to be inclusive and accessible. If at any time, you have a need or concern please contact us, we encourage everyone to participate in our department offerings. For accommodation requests connected to a disability or health condition contact us at (206) 543-4590 or at Requests can be responded to most effectively if received as far in advance as possible, preferably at least 10 business days.

Request Disability Resources for Employees:

Request Disability Resources for Students:


UW Recreation does not provide accident or medical coverage for participants. It is recommended that participants obtain their own personal coverage. Students may obtain additional information on student accident/sickness insurance by contacting:  Insurance & Cost | Husky Health & Well-Being (

Questions About Refunds?

For questions about program or membership refunds check the Registration page or contact

Report Bias?

Report all incidents of bias or suspected bias using the UW’s Bias Reporting Tool.

Have feedback?

Kudos? Comments? Complaints? We want to hear from you. Fill out the Recreation Feedback Form.

Contact Us



new IMA pool from the in water staircase looking at the lanes.