May 19, 2020
Meet the 3 Week Run/Walk Challenge top competitors

By Robin Brooks This spring UW Recreation coordinated a virtual 3 Week Run/Walk Challenge. We reached out to the top competitors Emily Vu and Travis Cox to get their insights into this unique opportunity; their thoughts are below on competing in the event. But first, a little about the challenge: the goal each week was to…
April 16, 2020
Eight ideas for staying active while at home

By Robin Brooks With so much going on in world right now, it’s tempting to hide under the covers with Netflix and a tub of Chunky Monkey. #beenthere But staying active will help you to concentrate on your schoolwork, improve your mood, and help you to stay fit and well. With that in mind, consider…
March 31, 2020
A message on outdoor activities from UW Recreation

Engaging in recreation by getting outdoors and exploring our natural landscape is a vital part of the human experience. However, at this time UW Recreation asks you to keep recreational activities conservative and within compliance of state and local restrictions. This means avoiding parks and recreational areas that are closed. This will minimize the burden on…
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