IMA Building Map
IMA Facilities Information
The IMA is located at 3924 Montlake Blvd NE, north of Husky Stadium and south of parking lot E1.
View the IMA location on the campus map in a new window.
IMA Building Policies
- The IMA Building is open to current UW Seattle matriculated Students, UW Employees*, UW Retirees*, Plus Ones*, UW Affiliates*, UWAA (Alumni) Lifetime & Presidents Circle donors* (UWAA determines IMA membership eligibility), and authorized guests only. Guests must accompany a Rec member or UW Employee who purchases a single use pass. *Rec membership fee applies (visit the Rec Membership page for more information on Rec membership)
- The IMA Building is also open to Summer Conference attendees and Department/Outside groups with manager approval. Fee applies.
- We reserve the right to have the Manager on duty make decisions (inside or outside of these policies) to best serve the safety and wellbeing of our facility and members.
Entrance Policies
- Use of the IMA Building is considered a privilege. UW Recreation staff reserves the right to deny facility access or revoke user privileges to anyone who refuses to comply with policies. Individuals not complying with the established procedures may be asked to leave the facility and/or be subject to departmental and/or campus disciplinary procedures. WAC 478-121-210 (d) Student Conduct Code for the University of Washington. Patrons must present Husky ID Card/IMA Membership card if requested by UW Recreation staff.
- For safety, security and utilization tracking, you must swipe your Husky ID Card/Rec Membership Card every time you enter the facility. You will be limited to 2 entries without your Husky ID Card/Rec Membership Card. Please stop by the Member Services Desk for assistance.
- Husky ID Cards are non-transferable and should never be used by anyone else to gain access to the IMA Building. Misused Husky ID Cards will be impounded. Impounded cards cannot be collected until the next business day and 1st infraction will incur a one week membership suspension. 2nd infraction: Membership will be suspended for the remainder of the quarter or determined by the manager on duty. WAC 478-121-163 (3) Student Conduct Code for the University of Washington.
- Notice issued pursuant to Washington Admin Code 478-136 Trespass laws will be enforced.
- Video Surveillance: UW Recreation has a video surveillance system that is reviewable by Recreation staff and UWPD. The video surveillance system is used to review possible policy violations, entry violations, and thefts.
- UW Recreation adheres to the Student Conduct Code for the University of Washington. Visit Community Standards and Student Conduct (CSSC) for additional information.
- You are expected to act in a courteous and respectful manner. Any type of harassment or bullying of students, staff members or campus guests is prohibited. This may include physical abuse, verbal abuse, use of profanity, or other abusive language, intimidation, sexual harassment or harassment on the account of race, religion, ethnic background, gender or sexual orientation.
- Possession and/or use of Alcohol and/or drugs is prohibited in the IMA Building.
- Possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or other dangerous weapons are prohibited in the IMA Building.
- Guests: Students, UW Employee Members, and Plus One Members may sponsor one guest per day (defined as a friend or a person you know) 16 years of age or older (proof of age required) upon payment of the single use guest fee. The sponsor must appear in person with their guest.
Single use guest fee $13.50* (VISA, MC, Discover, AMEX, Husky Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay or check)
All guests MUST show valid photo identification with proof of age.
Guests are not eligible participate in classes, intramurals or other paid program areas.
Beginning Winter 2023, guests of current UW students and active Rec membership holders will be able to purchase a Guest Pass ($7), valid only for the day, to climb at Crags Climbing Center. The guest and their sponsor must be present at the time of purchase, however the sponsor does not need to remain at Crags. Be advised that sponsors are responsible for the actions of their guests while climbing at Crags.
*Sales tax added where applicable.
- IMA Building Tours/Spectators: Patrons must present a photo ID and check in at the Member Services Desk for assistance.
- Building Closure: All patrons must adhere to the posted building closure time and vacate the building at that time.
- Suspended Operations: UW Recreation and all its facilities are non-essential areas, which means if the University suspends operations (example: full day closure, late start, or early close) UW Recreation and all its facilities will follow the University’s decision.
- UW Recreation does not provide accident/medical coverage for participants. It is recommended that participants obtain their own personal coverage. Students may obtain additional information on student accident/sickness insurance by contacting the Student Insurance Office; Schmitz Hall, Room 459; 206-543-6202;
- If an injury occurs, report the injury to the first aid office located on the second floor of the IMA Building.
Facility Policies
- No Wheeled vehicles of any kind are allowed in the IMA Building. No manual or motorized bikes, scooters, hover boards, skateboards, uni-wheels, roller blades, skates, etc. allowed in the IMA Building. This does not include wheelchairs, mobility aids, and other power-driven mobility devices for the purposes of this policy. WAC 478-116-199
- Pets, other than Service Animals, are prohibited in the IMA Building.
- Facilities and equipment must be used for the intended purposes only.
- No unsupervised archery allowed.
- Group use (RSO’s, Departments, etc.) of any activity space in the IMA Building is not permitted without prior approval from UW Recreation staff.
- No food or beverages, other than water in a spill-proof, non-glass container, are allowed in the activity areas. Activity areas include cardio rooms, weight rooms, studios, gymnasiums, pool, racquetball/squash/handball courts, and the track.
- Food & beverages are permitted in the lounge area and Dawg Bites Cafe only.
- Gum and all tobacco products are strictly prohibited in the IMA Building.
- Facility schedules are subject to change for special events.
- If spaces are locked, they are closed and any unauthorized access is subject to trespass laws.
- No court markings or tape on the floors.
- No posting or taping of flyers, posters or other literature is permitted in the IMA Building without prior approval from UW Recreation staff.
- Protect your valuables – use a locker and lock up your belongings. UW Recreation is not responsible for lost/damaged or stolen items. Lockers are available on the 1st Floor, 2nd floor outside of the cardio room and Gym A (cell phone/wallet lockers); on the 3rd floor and on the 4th floor (wallet lockers). You may check out a key at the Equipment Issue Desk (located on the first floor) with your Husky Card/IMA Membership Card to utilize the lockers. The cell phone/wallet lockers outside of Gym A do not require a key. Quarterly lockers in LR1, LR2 and LR3 are free for SAF paying UW Seattle Students and $20 per quarter for all other members.
- No personal or commercial financial gain is allowed while using the facility. Personal training/coaching may be provided only by those individuals who are employed by UW Recreation.
- Amplified Sound/Music: Patrons using a studio/gymnasium/mat room may request permission to play music on portable electronic speakers/laptops for their activity on each occasion of use. Portable electronic speakers are not permitted in weight rooms, cardio rooms, hallways, lounge, meeting room, etc.
The Manager on duty has the authority/discretion to ask groups/individuals to turn off music if offensive/vulgar or ask groups/individuals to turn down music if deemed too loud.
- Photography/Video: To protect the privacy of our patrons, taking pictures or video on or in UW Recreation facilities (both indoor and outdoor) is strictly prohibited. Requests to video or take pictures on or in UW Recreation facilities (both indoor and outdoor) may be permitted after consultation and approval from UW Recreation staff and the Office of University Marketing & Communications.
Cardio Room Policies
- No photo/video.
- No texting/phone conversations.
- No personal belongings left on benches or equipment.
- Share equipment and allow others to work in.
- Re-rack your weights.
- Do not move equipment to other activity areas.
- Do not slam weights or drop dumbbells.
- UW recreation staff are the only ones allowed to train or coach.
- Clean equipment before and after use.
- Clean rags and disinfectant are available at sanitation stations.
- Wear shirt and protective footwear.
Weight Room Policies
- No photo/video.
- No texting/phone conversations.
- Share equipment and allow others to work in.
- No personal belongings left on benches or equipment.
- Re-rack your weights.
- Do not move equipment to other activity areas.
- Do not slam weights or drop dumbbells.
- UW Recreation staff are the only ones allowed to train or coach.
- Use bumper plates and collars on platforms.
- No loose chalk allowed.
- Clean equipment before and after use.
- Clean rags and disinfectant are available at sanitation stations.
- Wear shirt and protective footwear.
Mat Room Policies
- Shoes are not permitted on the mats.
- Kicking the walls is prohibited (kicking bags are available in the Special Conditioning Room on the 2nd floor).
- No acrobatics or tumbling.
- Sparring that involves blows to the head is strictly prohibited unless prior approval is received by UW Recreation staff.
Studio Policies
- Shoes that mark the floor are not permitted.
- The Group Cycling studio, Personal Training Room A, Personal Training Room B, and Climbery are available for UW Recreation programming only.
- When not in use by UW Recreation programs, or scheduled groups, the studios may be used for other activities appropriate to the area.
Archery Room Policies
- Archery shooting is allowed only when UW Recreation staff or Archery Club representatives are present. Archery is allowed during Archery Club practices and Friday Night Archery only.
- All commands and instruction given by the Archery supervisor must be obeyed.
- When not in use by archers, UW Recreation programs, or scheduled groups, the archery room may be used for other activities appropriate to the area.
- Shoes that mark the floor are not permitted.
Special Conditioning Room Policies
- Only barefoot kicking of bags is permitted – absolutely no street shoes.
- Kicking the walls is prohibited.
Indoor Track Policies
- Participants must walk on the inside two lanes and jog on the outside two lanes.
- Directional signs are posted.
- Participants should use caution when stepping onto the track and yield to walkers and joggers.
- The track is 1/9th of a mile.
- Participants should always pass carefully on the outside.
Gymnasium Policies
- Shoes that mark the floor are not permitted.
- Gyms are to be used for approved activities only i.e., basketball, volleyball, badminton.
- No food or beverages, other than water in a spill-proof, non-glass container, are allowed in the Gyms.
- No court markings or tape on the floors.
- No posting or taping of flyers, posters or other literature is permitted in the Gyms without prior approval from UW Recreation staff.
- Amplified Sound/Music: Patrons using a studio/gymnasium/mat room may request permission to play music on portable electronic speakers/laptops for their activity on each occasion of use. Portable electronic speakers are not permitted in weight rooms, cardio rooms, hallways, lounge, meeting room, etc. The Manager on duty has the authority/discretion to ask groups/individuals to turn off music if offensive/vulgar or ask groups/individuals to turn down music if deemed too loud.
- Protect your valuables – use a locker and lock up your belongings. UW Recreation is not responsible for lost/damaged or stolen items. Lockers are available on the 2nd floor outside of the cardio room and Gym A (cellphone/wallet lockers); on the 3rd floor and on the 4th floor (cellphone/wallet lockers). You may check out a key at the Equipment Issue Desk (located on the 2nd floor just past the front desk) with your Husky Card/IMA Membership Card to utilize the lockers. The cell phone/wallet lockers outside of Gym A do not require a key.
- We reserve the right to have the Manager on duty make decisions (inside or outside of these policies) to best serve the safety and wellbeing of our facility and members.
UW Recreation Pick-Up Basketball Policies
- During open recreation times courts are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Scoring: Games are played to 20 points by two’s and three’s, win by one.
- All participants must wear athletic, non-marking, rubber-soled shoes on the courts. Street shoes, boots, sandals, flip-flops, and bare feet are not permitted.
- Disagreements are decided by a shot from the top of the key. Examples: traveling, out of bounds.
- Offensive player calls fouls.
- Jump ball will alternate between teams depending on which team possessed the ball first.
- No over and back.
- Full court games take precedence over half court games.
- We reserve the right to have the manager on duty make decisions (inside or outside of these policies) to best serve the safety and wellbeing of our facility and members.
Fitness Center Equipment
- Treadmills: Precor, Matrix
- Stationary cycles: Life Fitness, Expresso
- Stairsteppers: Stairmaster
- Rowing machines (ergometers): Concept II
- Step Mills / FreeClimbers: Stairmaster
- Crossovers: Techno Gym
- Elliptical Trainers: Precor, Life Fitness
Strength Training
- A variety of single station weight machines: Cybex, Techno Gym, Paramount, Universal, Hammer Strength, Life Fitness
- The strength areas include Flex Fitness, TuffStuff and Hammer Strength benches for dumbbells and barbells, and AbTrainers, VersaBall fitballs, True Stretch cage
- Free Weights and Olympic Bars
Locker Rooms
The IMA has three new (opened September 2023) universal locker rooms! The locker rooms are located on the first floor of the IMA. Our universal locker rooms can be used universally by all members and guests, regardless of who they are or how they may identify. These spaces are inclusive of members/guests with disabilities, members/guests of all gender identities, and any who wish for privacy for any number of reasons. Each locker room will include cabanas (a private shower, toilet, sink, and seating), changing rooms (an individual changing room with seating), and toilet rooms.
Free day-use lockers are available in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor hallways and in LR1 and LR3. Key checkout is at the equipment issue desk on the first floor. Cell phone/wallet lockers are available on the 2nd floor outside of Gym A and on the 4th floor at the top of the stairs to the right. Free menstrual products are available upon request at the Equipment Issue Area.
Sports Equipment Issue
- The Equipment Issue Area is located on the first floor.
- Most items of sports equipment related to IMA may be checked out with a valid Husky ID Card, Rec membership card or guest receipt.
- Sports equipment game bags are available and may be checked out with a valid Husky ID Card or Rec membership card. Softball bag includes gloves, bat, balls, and a catcher’s mask. Volleyball bag includes net, volleyball, and various poles, stakes, and ropes. Tug-o-war bag includes rope. Learn more about the types of equipment available for checkout here.
- Fine policy – participants are financially responsible for any item of equipment checked out for their use or issued to their guests. See the Equipment Issue area for additional details.
Overnight Storage/Locker Rental
- Overnight locker storage/locker rental of belongings is available on a quarterly basis. Lockers are free for SAF paying UW Seattle students and $20 per quarter for all other membership types. Annual locker rental is not currently available. In order to check out a locker for the quarter, you must visit the Equipment Issue Area on the first floor between LR2 and LR3.
Wellness Room (1st Floor between LR2 and LR3)
- This room is a single-occupancy room and available for nursing individuals and/or prayer/relaxation. Key checkout is at the Equipment Issue Window on the first floor. Please keep the room tidy for the next user and wipe down all surfaces with provided cleanser after use. Take all belongings with you and return the key to the Equipment Issue Window. The Wellness Room is for UW Recreation Members only on a first come first served basis during IMA Building operating hours.
- Amenities: Soft seating/Comfy Chair, Small Table, Countertop, Sink Access, Paper Towels, Cleanser/Sanitizer, Locking Door for privacy.
- Questions? Contact the Member Services Desk at 206.543.4590 or
Parking at the IMA
Metered Parking
- Metered parking (E97) in front of the IMA building: $5/hour paid by credit card or Pay by Phone App
- Metered parking (E07) in back of the IMA on the West side of Walla Walla Rd: $5/hour paid by credit card or Pay by Phone App
Parking Lots
- Parking Lot E18 – large parking lot to the north of the IMA and Field #1 (across Wahkiakum Rd): permit parking OR $7.85/day if paid at the meter(s) located between Husky Soccer Stadium and Husky Track (credit card only) or Pay by Phone App.
- Parking Lot E1 – large parking lot to the north of Lot E18: $7.85/day paid by swiping credit card on the way in. Entrances to E1 are through the E18 parking lot, on Walla Walla Rd from Montlake Blvd NE or on NE Clark Rd from Mary Gates Memorial Dr. NE
Hours of Enforcement
Monday – Friday 6 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Saturday 7 a.m. – noon
Complimentary Parking
Available after 9:00 p.m. Monday – Friday and noon Saturday – 6:00 a.m. Monday
Disability Parking
Stop at a gatehouse for a permit or contact Parking Services at (206) 221-3701 for short-term disability parking, or the Disability Services Office or Disability Resources for Students for long-term disability parking.
Event Parking
Parking for IMA patrons on Men’s Basketball Game Days
There will be no parking in the Graves/IMA parking lot (E97) starting 3 hours prior to the beginning of each game. The area will be reserved for Event Parking only.
There is a special event traffic pattern in effect on Men’s Basketball game dates starting roughly 2 hours prior to the beginning of each game. Once the traffic pattern is in place, access to lots E1 and E18 is only available via the two northern entrances of E1. This traffic pattern will be in place until exit traffic for basketball has ceased.
Parking for IMA facilities is available on main campus for $6.75 after 4pm on weekdays and Saturdays until noon. Parking on main campus will be no charge after 12pm on Saturday and all-day Sundays.
Below are the dates and times for the games.
2024-2025 Men’s Basketball Home Schedule
Dates and Times are subject to change
Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 7:00PM
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 7:00PM Wednesday, November 13, 2024, TBD Sunday, November 17, 2024, 7:30PM Friday, November 22, 2024, 7:00PM Saturday, December 7, 2024, 3:00PM Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 8:00PM Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 8:00PM Monday, December 23, 2024, 7:00PM Sunday, December 29, 2024, 12:00PM Thursday, January 2, 2025, 6:30PM Sunday, January 5, 2025, 1:00PM Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 6:30PM Friday, January 24, 2025, 8:00PM Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 7:30PM Saturday, February 8, 2025, 7:30PM Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 7:30PM Saturday, March 1, 2025, 3:00PM Sunday, March 9, 2025, 12:00PM |
Light Rail Station
The UW IMA is conveniently located just minutes walking distance from the University of Washington Light Rail Station.
Parking Questions
For more information about parking on campus, contact:
Transportation Services
(206) 221-3701
Safety at Night
To ensure your safety when leaving UW Recreation facilities at night, different organizations at the UW provide some options that are free and may be available to you
NightRide is a UW shuttle service that provides a safe and easy way for U-PASS members living in the general university area (see service map) to get home at night. Shuttles for the east and west route zones make their first stop at the IMA front entrance and run every 20 minutes during operating hours. All shuttles are wheelchair accessible.
- Learn more about the NightRide program.
Husky NightWalk
The Husky NightWalk program is a safety walking program provided by the UW Police Department and operated by security guard staff members.
- Learn more about the Husky NightWalk program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions About Accessibility?
UW Recreation’s programs, operations, and facilities are intended to be inclusive and accessible. If at any time, you have a need or concern please contact us, we encourage everyone to participate in our department offerings. For accommodation requests connected to a disability or health condition contact us at (206) 543-4590 or at Requests can be responded to most effectively if received as far in advance as possible, preferably at least 10 business days.
Request Disability Resources for Employees:
- (206) 543-6450 (Voice)
- (206) 543-6452 (TTY)
- (206) 685-7264 (FAX)
- (253) 642-0142 (VP)
Request Disability Resources for Students:
- (206) 543-8924 (Voice & Relay)
- (206) 616-8379 (FAX)
UW Recreation does not provide accident or medical coverage for participants. It is recommended that participants obtain their own personal coverage. Students may obtain additional information on student accident/sickness insurance by contacting: Insurance & Cost | Husky Health & Well-Being (
Questions About Refunds?
For questions about program or membership refunds check the Registration page or contact
Report Bias?
Report all incidents of bias or suspected bias using the UW’s Bias Reporting Tool.
Have feedback?
Kudos? Comments? Complaints? We want to hear from you. Fill the Recreation Feedback Form