
The land and the water around the ASUW Shell House have been a place to gather since time immemorial. For generations, the Lakes Duwamish people met to portage their canoes across the land that used to separate Lake Union and Lake Washington.

The ASUW Shell House serves as a metaphor for the shared values of grit, resilience, and unbridled determination that are paramount for our continued success and innovative spirit. The many layers of our Pacific Northwest histories are represented in its fir beams — indigenous canoe culture, aviation, rowing, sport and innovation — creating new and inspired ways of thinking, tackling problems and working together. But most importantly, the ASUW Shell House tells the story of our community.

Following the culmination of an $18.5 million capital campaign, the University of Washington has committed to the ongoing restoration and maintenance of the historic ASUW Shell House, ensuring its preservation as a valuable learning and communal hub for students and the wider community. The restored building will celebrate the UW’s legacy of connection to the water while offering a space for students and the public to reflect on the great things we can accomplish when we act as a collective.

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In addition to online gifts, the UW provides multiple ways for donors to support the causes and projects that matter to them most. From giving by mail to giving through your estate plans, there are a variety of options for you to explore. Contact Nicole Klein, Director of Development, at to learn more about these additional options.

Thank you to our Leadership Donors

Brad Smith & Kathy Surace-Smith
Microsoft Philanthropies
Frank & Charlene Blethen
John Stanton & Theresa Gillespie
Challenge Seattle, Governor Christine Gregoire
The Seattle Times
Daniel James Brown, campaign co-chair
Judy Rantz Willman, campaign co-chair
State of Washington
King County
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Bruce & Jeannie Nordstrom
Pamela & Bill Ayer
Mark Torrance
U.S. Department of the Interior
Brad & Kathy Nysether Fund at the Nysether Family Foundation
Charles & Lisa Simonyi
Alison & Glen Milliman
Laurel & Pete Shimer
Katie & David Kusske
Abraham Goo
Bruce R. McCaw Family Foundation
Judy & the late John Runstad

Dunn Lumber Family
Maggie Walker
Molly Nordstrom, in honor of Blake Nordstrom
Ackerley Family Foundation
Deloitte US
Jody Nyquist
Laura Peterson
Don & Karin Root
Patrick & Karen Crumb
Lynn & Mike Garvey
Barbara & John Vynne
David & Sally Wright
Mary McCaw
Sharon Nelson
Jane Broom & Brent Davidson
John & Lynne Parrott
Julie & Tom Wolthausen
Michael J. Repass
Jeff & Korynne Wright
John & Rosalind Jacobi
Karen Koon
Connie & Gus Kravas
Brooks & Kathy Simpson

The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish people of the lands and waters where the ASUW Shell House rests — land that touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.