Financial Accounting System

Production Automation
Jobstream requests are originated by the FAS Control Unit staff in
General Accounting.
Requests for JAMDAY series jobs are filled out on a nine page paper
request form and sent by courier daily to I.S. Staging.
The following types of information are contained in a FAS Daily request:
- System Interface Parameters (i.e., PAS, Student, Budget)
- Interface on/off switch
- Control dates and run numbers
- Run types, i.e., extract, resubmit, backout
The parameter arguments are assigned to WFL variables. With the exception
of the interface on/off switch, which is a WFL variable used to
control the flow of execution within the jobstream, all parameters
are passed directly to the interface programs via the WFL syntax
"RUN pgmname (argument list)".
- FAS process control parameter
- Control dates - current/previous process dates
- Run numbers - sequential beginning with 001 each biennium
- Accounting month
- Switches - 1st/last run of month/biennium
- Report requests
This information is entered as one long string via an input datacard
to a program, which edits and writes it out as a disk file.
- Input file run numbers and tape serialno's (where applicable)
- Run numbers are entered in designated column ranges
within a program's input data card. This is a process
control mechanisim which matches the run number in the
programs control card against the run number in the
first record of the input file.
- Tape serialno's are entered as WFL file attribute data
in the corresponding global file declaration area.
- Report printcopies for variable copy reports. These parameters are
entered by replacing a placeholder token within WFL
"" statements with the actual requested
number of copies as a numeric literal. These values cannot be passed
to the printcopies statement by assigning them as arguments to an
integer variable.
- Microfiche copies for variable fiche copy reports. This information is
recorded by staging on a paper fiche form sent to the microfiche vendor.
Staging runs the requested jobstream through a WFL preprocessor to assign
tape serialno's for input and output tape ledgers, misc. work files and
microfiche tapes. The resulting working WFL is then edited by entering
all parameter arguments into a CANDE "DO" file (a file of Cande commands
that are submitted to the command processor and executed sequentially
as if entered individually by a user). The parameter arguments are placed
in the jobsteam by executing the "DO" file against the working WFL.
Problems with the current system
- Errors can be introduced at either end of the process.
Job requests may be filled out incorrectly by the FAS
Accounting Control Unit, or transcribed incorrectly when
re-entered into the jobstream by Staging.
- Process parameters are not edited until the job actually runs.
If entered incorrectly the job will abort in the middle of
the night. Time is wasted contacting the appropriate
production support person. Once contacted they must verify
and re-edit the incorrect data and arrange for correct
restart of the job.
- Input tape serialno's are not verified until run time.
When the serialno's are incorrect and do not match the
tape title, the job has to be killed and manually edited.
- An inordinate amount of time must be spent by staging
setting up our jobs. Stagers must be knowledgable about
the system in order to catch job request errors.
Overview of Proposed System
An automated parameter entry and scheduler system will reduce
manual editing and entry of job and program parameters by staging.
Parameters will be entered through input screens and entered directly
into an application database where they will be harvested by individual
Jobs which utilize a process control parameter to pass control data to
jobstream programs, such as the JAMDAY series, monthly jobstreams and
annual jobstreams, will use the control parameter program to harvest
parameter arguments from the database and will pass these arguments
to the jobstream programs via the process control parameter.
The application database will have the potential to store:
- Job schedules and execution sequence by date
- Advance scheduling
- Schedule templates
- Schedule, job, and program dependencies
- Call back information
- Report request, report copies, microfiche information and report
- Program input file data
- Input file statistics
- Job and program statistics
Nightly schedule information will be emailed as well as printed at both
local and remote printer locations convenient to all responsible parties.
The system will allow for a programmatic interface to the new Production
Scheduler through the Portfile process when feasible.
Potential benefits of the proposed system.
- Full editing of process parameters when entered and as a result,
reduced likelihood of error.
- The ability to verify input tapes for our JAMDAY jobs prior
to the nightly run.
- We will be able to set up an entire month's or more schedule
in advance.
- The FAS Control Unit will directly control the number of
report copies produced. New jobstream versions will no longer
have to be turned over every time the number of report copies
- Additional print control capabilities will be possible.
- Each team can control it's own callback information.
- Input file and job statistics will not have to be manually
compiled on a daily basis.
- Last but not least, reduced reliance on stagers and staging.
Phase One
Initially only JAMDAY jobs will be addressed.
The following features will be included in the first phase:
- Entry screens will be provided for:
- PAS/FAS interface arguments (multiple screens needed),
- BGT/FAS interface arguments,
- FAS process control data,
- Report Requests/Report Copies/Microfiche Copies,
- File input parameters.
- Process parameters will be fully edited against control data when entered
- All process control data, except input file data, will be harvested by
AM10000 (control parameter update program). Interface on/off switches,
interface parameter arguments, and on request report copies will be
passed to the job's programs via the control parameter.
- Input file data will be harvested by AM11000 (Reformat) from the
Program-Files data set.
- Job requests will be printed remotely for staging, operations, and FAS
control unit review.
- All concerned parties will be notified when a schedule is submitted.
- Program Modification/Specification List
Phase Two
- Add additional functionality and extend parameter entry to the JAMPAY1
- Automatic summation of input file record counts for JAMDAY1 (Reformat).
- Automatic recording of completion status and process time/resource
utilization for key programs which form the basis of an automatic restart
Phase Three
- Automatic jobstream restart for JAMDAY jobs through a combination of
dataset entries in the Program-Req dataset, the Jobstream-Req dataset.
- Extend request capabilities to Monthly jobs.
- Add schedule in advance capabilities.
- Add portfile interface to Production scheduler.
Job Request - Mock JAMDAY1 request form
System Administration- Building the System
- Add personnel information which will be referenced by the
Jobstream Master and Names-Jobs-Assoc datasets to the
Valid-Names-Mstr dataset.
- Add jobstream name, contact names, etc., to the Jobstream_Master
- Add jobstream programs (minimumly, those requiring parameter input)
to Program_Master dataset.
(e.g., AM10000, AM11000 are required
for JAMDAY jobs)
- Add default report information to Pgm_Report_Master.
(for JAMDAY jobs all on request jobs would be entered)
- Add job/name associations to identify valid job requestors
to the Names-Jobs-Assoc dataset.
- Add jobname groupings to Process_Groups dataset as needed.
- Add Events to be referred to in the dependency datasets
to the Event-Master dataset.
- Add default job dependencies to Job_Depends_Master.
- Add default program dependencies, if any, to Pgm_Depends_Master
- Schedule Data
- Job Data
- Program Data
- Schedule Submission
- Advance Scheduling
Other Functions
- Schedule Inquiries
- Schedule Flowcharts on-line
Possible Batch Processes