June 25, 2020 6:30 pm
Video Archive
The University of Washington has been at the forefront of creating the statistical models of how this disease spreads. This week we’ll talk to the individuals responsible for these models and find out just how accurate the science has been. Featuring Christopher Murray and Ali Mokdad.
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Series: Coexisting with COVID-19
Moderated by Hanson Hosein
The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be more than just a threat to our health: it’s become a disruption of our way of life, affecting everything from supply chains, to the way we love, to what is considered essential work. How are we to think about and live amidst this “new normal”?
To answer this, the Graduate School’s Office of Public Lectures, in partnership with faculty from Population Health, the Communication Leadership program within the Department of Communication, and many others, will host a weekly panel titled “Coexisting with COVID-19.”
Join moderator Hanson Hosein Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. for 30-minute livestream talks featuring 2-3 faculty from across the UW. The series is presented free of charge; advance registration required.