January 20, 2025 6:30 pm
Town Hall Seattle, Livestream (Hybrid)
Video Archive
Join us for an evening of community inspired music with the relentlessly innovative, bi-lingual, Chicano Grammy award-winning rock band, Quetzal. Together we will celebrate the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and usher in the next US Presidential administration with a band that narrates the social, cultural and political stories of humanity.
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About the speaker
Chicano rock band
Quetzal is a relentlessly innovative Grammy award-winning ensemble that narrates the social, cultural and political stories of humanity. Emerging out of the 1992 Los Angeles Uprising along with social movement efforts against Proposition 187 campaign (that denied medical and public services to undocumented immigrants and public education to undocumented children) these students of Chicano rock, rhythm and blues, JB funk, Cuban batá, punk, and Motown soul are artists at the epicenter of the transnational world of son jarocho.
Most notably the moral philosophy of the Mayan Zapatista insurrection in Mexico spurred a hope and powerful synergy across LA as various communities utilized expressive cultures and public art as platforms from which to voice their resistance. Today the proactive strategy of Quetzal and other Artivistas is to be regenerative and resourceful in the face of adversity.
Quetzal’s live shows are filled with moments of tenderness, fervor and vivid storytelling that transport the audience into a world of affirmation and belonging. They have graced stages across the US, Canada, Europe, Asia and Mexico for 30 years. Recognized by notable institutions such as the Library of Congress, The Kennedy Center and the traveling exhibit, American Sabor: Latinos in U.S. Popular Music, which was sponsored by the Smithsonian Institute, Quetzal was featured as a leader and innovator of Chicano music. This feat coupled with their Grammy Award winning album on Smithsonian Folkways label “Imaginaries” (2013) marks the importance of their past and ongoing work.
The relevance of Quetzal’s music and lyrics have been noted in a range of publications, from dissertations to scholarly books. As a testament to the body of music and community work Quetzal has accomplished on and off the stage, in the summer of 2017 Gonzalez’s tarima (stomp box) and zapateado dance shoes were acquired by the National Museum of American History and are now on permanent display.
In addition to performing, members of Quetzal participate in a much larger web of musical, cultural, and political engagement throughout the state and have been instrumental in catalyzing the transnational dialogue between Chican@s/Latin@ communities in the U.S and Jarocho communities in Veracruz, Mexico. Remaining active within the community, various members of the band including Quetzal Flores, Tylana Enomoto, Juan Perez, and Evan Greer have been implementing the collective songwriting method and traditional music pedagogy in correctional facilities, schools, and college classrooms.
Sponsoring Departments: The Graduate School