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“Hero’s Feast: Finding Community through Dungeons and Dragons” (Student Exhibit)

There’s a lot of buzz going around about the fantasy-themed exhibit guest curated by Museology student Allison Moore (class of 2019). Hero’s Feast: Finding Community through Dungeons and Dragons, currently on display at the Renton History Museum, explores the history and impact of the popular game. Moore appeared alongside Sarah Samson, Curator of Collections & Exhibitions at Renton History Museum, on King 5’s New Day Northwest to talk about the inspiration for the exhibit. Moore wanted to connect with the community of…

Count your theses: 31 ways our students are helping us improve our practice

Every year, in the first few weeks of spring quarter, our second-year students pull themselves out of the writing, data collecting, project planning, and analysis to share their thesis work in five minute lightning-style presentations. These thesis preview presentations are a chance for first-year students, staff and faculty to get an early indication of what they have learned at this point in their research or projects. It’s also an opportunity to see the breadth and depth of topics our students cover each year,…