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International students immigration information

Immigration Information for Undergraduate International Students

Congratulations on your admission to the Seattle campus as an undergraduate international student! We look forward to welcoming you to our Global Husky Community.

All undergraduate first year and transfer students who require an I-20 or DS-2019 to study in the U.S. or continue studies in the U.S. under the F or J visa category will need to request immigration documents from the Office of Admissions.

You must submit your Enrollment Confirmation Deposit (ECD) to receive an email inviting you to UW’s MyISSS immigration platform. Allow 5-7 business days to receive your invitation to UW’s MyISSS immigration platform. You will not have access to request your I-20 or DS-2019 and you will see an error message when trying to access the platform if you have not yet confirmed enrollment or received the MyISSS email invitation.

Review the topics below for additional details about requesting an I-20 (F-1) or DS-2019 (J-1) for studying at the UW as well as answers to the most commonly asked immigration questions. Each topic expands to show more information or questions about that topic.


All F-1 or J-1 first year and transfer students who need an I-20 or DS-2019 for study at the UW, must request immigration documents by submitting the required information through the MyISSS immigration platform.

  1. Submit your Enrollment Confirmation Deposit (ECD) to receive an email inviting you to UW’s MyISSS immigration platform. Allow 5-7 business days to receive your invitation to UW’s MyISSS immigration platform.
    • The MyISSS invitation will be sent from to your UW email address. Use the link from the invitation email and your UW NetID/password to access your MyISSS profile.
    • Note: You will not have access to the MyISSS immigration platform until you receive the email invitation up to one week after submitting the ECD payment.
  2.  Once you have been given access to MyISSS, follow the instructions on the MyISSS welcome page to submit required information and documents to request your I-20 or DS-2019.
  3. Processing time for submitted I-20 or DS-2019
    • If you are requesting an initial I-20 or DS-2019, allow up to 4 weeks after you have submitted all required information and documents to be issued your I-20 or DS-2019.
    • If you are requesting transfer I-20, allow 2–4 weeks for the UW to process your I-20 from the transfer out date your current/previous school enters in the SEVIS immigration system.
      • UW will not have access to your SEVIS immigration record until your previous program ends and your I-20 is transferred to the UW.
  4. When your immigration document is issued, you will receive an email that your official, signed immigration document is available and ready for download in your MyISSS profile. I-20’s and DS-2019’s will be uploaded to the Requests & Documents section of your MyISSS profile. (The U.S. government no longer requires institutions to mail paper immigration documents.) You must print and sign your I-20 or DS-2019 before you apply for an F-1 or J-1 visa and/or travel to the U.S.

How do I transfer out my I-20 record from my current or previous school to the UW?

  • If you have been attending school in the U.S. and have an active SEVIS I-20 record with another school, consult the international office/adviser to request a transfer of your SEVIS record.
  • Confirm the date your current or previous school will transfer out (release) your SEVIS I-20 record to the UW.
  • Once you have confirmed the transfer out (release) date, log in to your MyISSS immigration account and complete the “Create I-20” and “Transfer Information” request forms. Both requests must be submitted to process your request.
  • Under the immigration tab, select “Yes, I am currently in the U.S. in F-1 status or I have an active SEVIS record to transfer.”
  • Enter the additional information in the transfer information request, including your current SEVIS ID number, the transfer out (release) date for your SEVIS record, and the name/SEVIS school code of your transfer out school.

After the confirmed transfer out date, the UW will create a transfer pending I-20 that allows you to continue your studies in the U.S. Your SEVIS ID number and SEVIS record will remain the same with a transfer I-20, and you are not required to pay the SEVIS fee again.

We cannot create your UW I-20 until your current program ends and the Designated School Official (DSO) at your former school releases your SEVIS I-20 record to the UW.

Do I need to request an I-20 for the College Edge program if I plan to attend it?

No, there is no separate I-20 for international students taking College Edge courses. Use your autumn quarter initial I-20 to enter the U.S. as early as August 16, 2025 if you plan to enroll in College Edge.

With a transfer I-20, you can return to the U.S. at any time before the classes begin.

Is there a deadline to request my I-20/DS-2019?

There is not a specific deadline. However, you cannot apply for a visa or travel to the U.S. until you have received your immigration documents from the UW. We process immigration documents by the date the request was submitted and cannot rush or prioritize late submissions. Please plan ahead and submit your request early.

Can I check the status of my I-20/DS-2019?

In your MyISSS profile, you can review the status of your request. The MyISSS profile Welcome page will change to “Pre-Arrival” once your I-20/DS-2019 has been created. Then, under the Requests & Documents tab, the Create I-20 or Create DS-2019 request status will be listed as “complete.” It will take an additional 2–3 days to finish processing and uploading documents to MyISSS once the status is “complete.” You will receive an email from us as soon as your I-20 or DS-2019 is available to download in your MyISSS profile.

The SEVIS school code for the Seattle campus of the University of Washington is SEA214F00265000.

How much money do I have to show on bank documents to verify funding?

U.S. immigration policies require international students to show proof of funding for one academic year. The proof of funding must include both academic fees and living expenses. The figures used on the I-20/DS-2019 are current tuition and living expenses, since the 2025-26 student budget has not been finalized yet.

For students enrolling autumn quarter 2025, you must show proof of funding for $66,888.

Review thecurrent student budgetandhealth insurance costs. 

What type of bank document or financial verification do I need to submit?

U.S. immigration policies require that the bank document or financial verification you submit be issued within the last 6 months.

Documents must be in English but can use either local currency or U.S. dollars.

If you are submitting a Certificate of Deposit, there is no minimum period of time that the amount needs to be “locked in.” If you are paying for your educational expenses with multiple funding sources, please submit all relevant financial documents, such as a scholarship letter, loan letter, personal bank statement, etc. Documents should be uploaded in your MyISSS student profile.

Processing time for initial I-20 or DS-2019

Allow up to 4 weeks after you have submitted all the required information and documents for the UW to process your I-20 or DS-2019. You will receive an email once your official, signed immigration document is available and ready in your MyISSS profile. I-20’s and DS-2019’s will be uploaded to the Requests & Documents section of your MyISSS profile. (The U.S. government no longer requires institutions to mail paper immigration documents.)

You must print and sign your I-20 or DS-2019 before you apply for an F-1 or J-1 visa and/or travel to the U.S.

Processing time for transfer I-20

Allow 2–4 weeks for the UW to process your I-20 from the transfer out date your current/previous school enters in the SEVIS immigration system. UW will not have access to your SEVIS immigration record until your previous program ends and your your I-20 is transferred to the UW. Once we issue your transfer I-20, you will receive an email notifying you it is available in MyISSS. Signed, official I-20’s will be uploaded to the Requests & Documents section of your MyISSS profile. (The U.S. government no longer requires institutions to mail paper I-20 forms.)

You will be assigned a major or pre-major at the time of admission based on your requested major. The major listed on your I-20/DS-2019 follows standard naming conventions used by U.S. Federal Immigration and may be different than the UW assigned major on your MyUW account.

You are not locked in to the major listed on your I-20/DS-2019. You may update your major later if your interests change. (EXCEPTION: Freshmen not admitted directly to computer science, computer engineering or the College of Engineering are unlikely to gain admission to those programs later.)

Requested major UW assigned major I-20/DS-2019 major
Business Offered Direct to Major: Business administration Business administration and management, general
Business Not offered Direct to Major: pre-major Multi-/interdisciplinary studies
Computer science Offered Direct to Major: computer science Computer science
Computer science Not offered Direct to Major: pre-science Biological and physical sciences
Computer engineering Offered Direct to Major: computer engineering Computer engineering, general
Computer engineering Not offered Direct to Major: pre-science Biological and physical sciences
Engineering Offered Direct to Major: engineering undeclared Pre-engineering
Engineering Not offered Direct to Major: pre-major Multi-/interdisciplinary studies
Math and science majors (ACMS, mathematics, statistics, psychology, biology, chemistry, physics, etc.) Pre-science Biological and physical sciences
Social science majors (communications, economics, political science, international studies, etc.) Pre-social science Biological and physical sciences
Art majors (music, dance, drama, etc.) Pre-arts Art/art studies, general
English or foreign language majors Pre-humanities Humanities/humanistic studies
Undecided Pre-major Multi-/interdisciplinary studies

All F-1 international students and J-1 exchange visitors must pay the I-901 SEVIS Fee. This fee is separate from visa fees. Students with transfer I-20 are not required to pay the I-901 SEVIS fee again.

Visit the Student and Exchange Visitor (SEVP) I-901 SEVIS Fee processing website.

Applying for an F-1 visa (student visa)?

U.S. immigration policy allows you to apply for the F-1 visa up to 365 days prior to the program start date listed on the I-20 form issued by the UW. See the Come to U.S. section for more details.

Applying for a J-1 visa (exchange visitor visa)?

The U.S. State Department allows J-1 visas to be issued at any time before the start date indicated on the DS-2019 issued by the UW for your program of study. See the Come to U.S. section for more details. 

What documents do I need when I apply for F-1 student visa?  

According to theU.S. State Department, the following documents are required when you apply for a student visa:  

  • Form I-20, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status  
  • Online Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application, Form DS-160  
  • A passport valid for at least six months beyond your entry to the U.S.  
  • A photo to be uploaded with your online visa application form  
  • Application fee payment receipt  
  • SEVIS I-901 fee receipt (must be paid at least 3 days prior to visa interview) 

Applicants should be prepared to provide the following information or documents if requested:  

  • Financial evidence that shows you or your family has sufficient funds to cover tuition, living expenses and travel costs 
  • Transcripts and diplomas from previous institutions attended 
  • Scores from standardized tests required by the educational institution  
  • Your intent to depart the U.S. upon completion of your studies 

I didn’t receive the offer of admission letter. Do I need it for my visa appointment?  

No, you are not required to present a copy of admission letter when you apply for a visa. 

The I-20 or DS-2019 form issued by the UW is your proof of of admission/eligibility and verifies your enrollment with the University.

As a citizen of Canada or Bermuda, you are not required to apply for a visa. You are required to request and obtain an I-20 or DS-2019. You will simply present the I-20 or DS-2019, I-901 SEVIS fee receipt and financial documentation to the immigration officer at the U.S. port of entry. A passport will be required. For more information, visitU.S. Department of State’s travel pages. 

U.S. immigration policy allows you to apply for an F-1 visa up to 365 days prior to the program start date on the I-20 form. The program start date can be found in the “Program of Study” section on the I-20. The program start date cannot be changed to accommodate individual travel requests.

Federal and state laws require that international students maintain adequate health insurance coverage while enrolled at the UW. All students in F-1 or J-1 status are required to purchase the International Student Health Insurance Plan (ISHIP). You will be required to select your preferred insurance options when you register for classes during your Advising & Orientation session.

Contact the ISHIP Office if you have any questions.

F-1 and J-1 international students are allowed to arrive in the U.S. up to 30 days prior to I-20 or DS-2019 start date. The Program of Study section on your I-20 or the Form Covers Period on your DS-2019 includes the Start of Classes, the Program Start/End Date, and the Earliest Admission Date (the date you are allowed to enter the U.S.).

The I-20 Start of Classes is the first day of class instruction for all students based on the UW academic calendar. The I-20 Program Start Date is the date most students are expected to arrive on campus for orientation programs, on-campus housing, or other in person programs before classes begin. These dates are the same for all international students and we cannot adjust or modify them to accommodate individual requests or personal travel needs.

What are the I-20 or DS-2019 program dates for autumn or summer quarter? 

Autumn quarter I-20/DS-2019 dates:
Classes start: September 24, 2025
Program start: September 15, 2025
Earliest admission (entry into the U.S.): August 16, 2025

Summer quarter I-20/DS-2019 dates:
Classes start: June 23, 2025
Program start: June 23, 2025
Earliest admission (entry into the U.S.): May 24, 2025

If I am already in the U.S., can I stay over the summer if I receive a transfer pending I-20? What if my F-1 visa has expired — do I have to go back to my country to apply for a new visa?

If you attended a U.S. high school, college or language program in the U.S. and the last day of your previous program is within 5 months of the first day of classes at the UW, you are eligible to receive a transfer I-20 for continued studies. (Consult the International Student Office at your previous school to confirm your SEVIS record will be transferred to the UW at the end of your academic program.)

You are allowed to stay in the U.S. with your transfer pending I-20, even if your F-1 visa has expired. A valid F-1 visa is required at the port of entry when arriving in the U.S., but you are allowed to stay in the U.S. for the Duration of Status (D/S) even after the F-1 visa expires.

I have a transfer pending I-20 and the earliest arrival date is blank. When can I enter the U.S.? 

If you received a transfer pending I-20 from the UW (review your I-20 Issue Reason for “Transfer Pending” status), you are exempt from the 30-day entry requirement. The earliest arrival date section on the transfer I-20 will be blank because there is no restriction. You can return to the U.S. at any time.

Can I travel internationally with my transfer pending I-20? 

Yes, if you choose to travel internationally, a new visa is not required as long as you have an unexpired F-1 visa from your previous school. A new F-1 visa is only required if your previous visa has expired or will expire before you return to the U.S. It is recommended that you apply for your visa in your home country unless circumstances make that impossible.

When should I arrive in the U.S. and Seattle?  

It is your choice when you arrive in the U.S., but you are required to arrive in Seattle before classes begin on September 24. We encourage you to arrive 1-2 weeks before classes begin if possible to move into housing and participate in UW’s International Welcome Program, the on-campus Advising & Orientation session, and the Dawg Daze program. You may apply for early arrival housing if you have a confirmed on-campus housing assignment. If you have never lived in the U.S. before, you may also consider applying for a FIUTS Homestay program.

U.S. immigration requires that you report to the UW by the I-20 classes start date shown on your I-20. For the UW, that is the first day of the quarter. We cannot change or modify the start date to accommodate individual travel plans or requests. Please plan accordingly.

Can I participate in College Edge which begins in August? (freshman only)  

First year international students are eligible and highly encouraged to participate in College Edge! College Edge will be in person this year and your autumn quarter I-20 will allow you to participate. The autumn quarter I-20 allows you to enter the enter the U.S. as early as August 16 which is before the start of College Edge. Consult the College Edge – International Students section for additional information, dates, and details about the classes offered.

If you are currently in the U.S. under a non-student visa category such as H4, L2, E2 or TD and you do not qualify for Washington State Residency, you are considered an international student. You are allowed to keep your current non-immigrant visa status as long as your visa allows full-time study at the college level. Since your visa is not sponsored by the UW, you will need to contact the visa sponsor if you have further questions. You are not required to request an I-20, complete the ISS online immigration session or purchase the International Student Health Insurance Program (ISHIP).

What is the difference between F-1 status and an F-1 visa?

Your status is your non-resident category granted by an immigration official. To be in F-1 status means that you are legally in the U.S. and have the benefits and restrictions specified in the F-1 immigration regulations. You can gain F-1 status by entering the U.S. with an I-20 and F-1 visa stamp. Or, if you are already in the U.S. under a different visa category, you can gain F-1 status by applying to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for a change of non-immigrant status.

An F-1 visa is an entry document stamped in your passport that gives you permission to enter the U.S. and, if admitted, granted F-1 status for the period of your studies.

What should I consider if I want to change my current visa status to an F-1 status?

If you are currently in the U.S. under a non-immigrant category such as H4, L2, E2 or TD, there are several things you should consider before you change your current visa status. When will you change your status? How will you change your status? What are the risks and benefits of a status change? We recommend consulting an immigration attorney to help you review and determine what is best for your situation.

I want to change my visa to F status beforethe first day of UW classes. How do I proceed?

If you will travel outside of the U.S. to apply for an F-1 visa before the first day of UW classes:

  • Contact International Admissions at to request access to the MyISSS platform if you do not already have access.
  • Login to the MyISSS immigration platform and request an I-20. Follow the instructions to complete all information and upload required documents.
  • If you believe you are considered a Washington State Resident for tuition purposes, contact the Residency Classification Office before you request an I-20 to determine if your change of status may impact your residency for tuition purposes.

If you plan to remain in the U.S. and file form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status to F-1 with the USCIS before the first day of UW classes:

  • Consult an immigration attorney to ensure you submit the change of status forms to USCIS correctly.
  • If your change of status to F-1 has not been approved by the first day of UW classes, International Student Services will follow up with you after the quarter begins to defer the start date of your I-20 form.

I am not planning to change my non-immigrant status to the F-1 student category. If I decide to change my status later, what should I do?

If you intend to change your status into an F-1 student category any time after you begin classes at the UW, there is nothing you need to do now. If and when you want to obtain F-1 status, review the Change of Status information and then meet with an ISS advisor to discuss the process.