This month-by-month timeline lets you see at a glance what’s due and what’s coming during the next few months.
For planning purposes, you may also want to review the academic calendar.
Early March | U.S. students: Apply for financial aid if you haven’t done so already. |
Weekdays in March | Visiting campus? Join us for an admitted student information session |
Early April | International students: Request immigration documents |
April 19 | Admitted Student Day — Join us on campus to get a taste of the Husky Experience |
Weekdays in April | Visiting campus? Join us for an admitted student information session |
May 5–14 | On-campus housing: priority application period for freshmen |
Throughout June Summer Adventures with UWild
June 1 | Freshman deadline to accept offer (For most students—check your offer letter for the date that applies to you) |
June 5 | Advising & Orientation reservation system opens |
June 17 | UW summer quarter begins |
June 27 | First-year Interest Groups (FIGs) schedule released |
July 15Deadline for final transcripts (Sept. 1 if you’re completing coursework in the summer)
July | Summer Adventures with UWild |
Aug | Summer Adventures with UWild |
Mid-Aug | On-campus housing assignments announced |
Sept | Summer Adventures with UWild |
Sept 1 | Deadline to send final transcripts if you are completing coursework in the summer |
Sept 17-20 | Housing move-in days |
Sept 19 | Transfer Student A&O Part 3: Community Connections |
Sept 17-20 | Freshman Student A&O Part 3: Community Connections |
Sept 22 | New Student Convocation |
Sept 25 | First day of autumn quarter
Financial aid may be available in bank account if set up for direct deposit. See the disbursement page for details. |
Nov 1 | W Day |
Nov 1-2 | UW Family Weekend |
Nov 1-2 | Homecoming weekend |
New Huskies Timeline
Early March | U.S. students: Apply for financial aid if you haven’t done so already. |
Weekdays in March | Visiting campus? Join us for an admitted student information session |
Early April | International students: Request immigration documents |
April 20 | Admitted Student Day — Join us on campus to get a taste of the Husky Experience |
Weekdays in April | Visiting campus? Join us for an admitted student information session |
May 6 – June 14 | Freshman deadline to accept offer (For most students—check your offer letter for the date that applies to you) |
May 1-9 | On-campus housing: priority application period for freshmen |
May 17 | Advising & Orientation reservation system opens |
May 6-June 14 | On-campus housing: priority application period for freshmen |
June 1 | Freshman deadline to accept offer (For most students—check your offer letter for the date that applies to you) |
June 5 | Advising & Orientation reservation system opens |
June 17 | UW summer quarter begins |
June 27 | First-year Interest Groups (FIGs) schedule released |
June 28 | Husky Hangouts begin |
Throughout June | Summer Adventures with UWild |
July | Husky Hangouts |
July 15 | Deadline for final transcripts (Sept. 1 if you’re completing coursework in the summer) |
July | Summer Adventures with UWild |
Aug | Summer Adventures with UWild |
Mid-Aug | On-campus housing assignments announced |
Aug 16 | Last Husky Hangout |
Sept | Summer Adventures with UWild |
Sept 1 | Deadline to send final transcripts if you are completing coursework in the summer |
Sept 17-20 | Housing move-in days |
Sept 17-20 | Transfer Student A&O Part 3: Community Connections |
Sept 22 | New Student Convocation |
Sept 25 | First day of autumn quarter
Financial aid may be available in bank account if set up for direct deposit. See the disbursement page for details. |
Oct 11 | Deadline to pay autumn quarter’s tuition and housing |
Nov 1 | W Day |
Nov 1-2 | UW Family Weekend |
Nov 1 – 2 | Homecoming weekend |