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This month-by-month timeline lets you see at a glance what’s due and what’s coming during the next few months.

For planning purposes, you may also want to review the academic calendar.

Early March U.S. students: Apply for financial aid if you haven’t done so already.
Weekdays in March Visiting campus? Join us for an admitted student information session
Early April International students: Request immigration documents
April 19 Admitted Student Day — Join us on campus to get a taste of the Husky Experience
Weekdays in April Visiting campus? Join us for an admitted student information session
May 5–14 On-campus housing: priority application period for freshmen

Throughout June Summer Adventures with UWild

June 1 Freshman deadline to accept offer (For most students—check your offer letter for the date that applies to you)
June 5 Advising & Orientation reservation system opens
June 17 UW summer quarter begins
June 27 First-year Interest Groups (FIGs) schedule released
Aug Summer Adventures with UWild
Mid-Aug On-campus housing assignments announced
Sept Summer Adventures with UWild
Sept 1 Deadline to send final transcripts if you are completing coursework in the summer
Sept 17-20 Housing move-in days
Sept 19 Transfer Student A&O Part 3: Community Connections
Sept 17-20 Freshman Student A&O Part 3: Community Connections
Sept 22 New Student Convocation

Husky Kickoff

Sept 25 First day of autumn quarter

Financial aid may be available in bank account if set up for direct deposit. See the disbursement page for details.

Nov 1 W Day
Nov 1-2 UW Family Weekend
Nov 1-2 Homecoming weekend