UW News

November 13, 1997

First annual “Health of Hanford” conference — scientists gather to report, discuss research findings

The latest research on thyroid disease, wildlife populations, beryllium exposure and Columbia River contamination in the Hanford reach area are among topics to be addressed during a two-day conference Dec. 3 and 4 in Richland, Wash.
“The Health of the Hanford Site: Current Challenges,” sponsored by the University of Washington, will join scientists, workers, residents, government and Indian Nations together to discuss the latest health and safety issues at Hanford. “This is the first time we’re providing a consistent system to report on the overall health of the Hanford site and identify the highest priority risks,” said Dr. Scott Barnhart, director of the University of Washington Occupational Medicine Program. “The objective is not only to educate members of the public but to engage in discussion and receive feedback.”

Among those presenting at the conference are members of local research companies, university faculty and experts from national and state health organizations. The event will feature poster presentations, workshops, panel discussions and demonstrations of Hanford issues focusing on ecological, community and environmental health subjects.

Highlights of presentation topics include:

* the Hanford Thyroid Disease Study
* the Hanford Medical Monitoring Program
* projected risk during cleanup at Hanford
* human exposure to Columbia River contaminants
* current and past beryllium exposure at Hanford
* trends in fall Chinook salmon populations in the Hanford Reach
* the elk population at Hanford.

The meeting is supported through funding from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Cost for registration is $40. For information on attending, please call (206) 685-3676.

Abstracts of conference presentations are available on the World Wide Web at http://weber.u.washington.edu/~hanford/uwhanford.html.


“The Health of the Hanford Site: Current Challenges”

Bechtel Hanford, Inc.
Benton-Franklin Health Department
Columbia Basin College
Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation
Division of Radiation Protection, Washington State Department of Health
Environmental Sciences Program, Washington State University
Fluor Daniel Hanford, Inc.
Government Accountability Project
Hammer/Tulane Medical Center, School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Hanford Advisory Board
Hanford Atomic Trades Council
Hanford Downwinders Coalition
Hanford Education Action League
Hanford Environmental Health Foundation
Hanford Health Effects Subcommittee, Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry
Hanford Health Information Network
Intertribal Council on Hanford Health Projects
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
League of Women Voters of Washington
Nez Perce Tribe
Oregon Health Division
Oregon Office of Energy
Pacific Northwest National Laboratories
Plutonium Roundtable
U.S. Department of Energy, Headquarters
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Safety & Health
U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Transuranium & Uranium Registries, Washington State University Tri-Cities
University of Washington Department of Environmental Health
University of Washington Institute for Risk Analysis and Risk Communication
University of Washington Occupational & Environmental Medicine Program
Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
Washington State Department of Ecology
