June 18, 1999
Predictions about fate of marine mammals in coming century among topics at mammalogists’ meeting June 21-24
How might whales, seals, sea lions, dolphins and other marine mammals fare 100 years from now if our human population and demand on the world’s resources both double? The question will be among those explored during the annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists being held in Seattle for the first time ever.
The latest research in the evolution, natural history and behavior of the Earth’s mammals will be presented during 180 talks and in 150 posters during the society’s 79th annual meeting. UW forestry professor Steve West is the meeting organizer and the College of Forest Resources is the key host.
Monday, June 21, through Thursday, June 24.
University of Washington campus; talks will be in Kane Hall on Red Square and poster sessions will be at Haggett Hall, a dorm on the north edge of campus.
See: http://www.cfr.washington.edu/outreach/agenda.html
Or call Sandra Hines for program.
— Marine mammals: The Next Century
Tuesday, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., 130 Kane Hall
Speakers will take a 100-year look forward to how humans may be using the world’s oceans and how marine mammals could be affected. Speakers include the United Kingdom’s top marine mammal expert as well as Seattle’s own Douglas Demaster, director of the National Marine Mammal Laboratory here and current president of the Marine Mammal Society.
— Keynote address: Glimpses into the lives of bats
Monday, 10:30 a.m. to noon, 130 Kane Hall
Boston University’s Tom Kunz, winner of the mammalogist society’s top research prize last year, will describe bats, including how much they must eat to fuel their energetic flight patterns.
— Special bat-detection session
Monday, 7 to 9 p.m., 120 Kane Hall
Identifying bat species and numbers of bats by recording their acoustic signals has proved to be controversial among bat researchers. The latest practical and experimental considerations of this method of surveying bats will be debated.