September 11, 2001
Statement of UW President Richard L. McCormick in the wake of Tuesday’s terrorist attacks
The unspeakable attacks this morning are an assault on America and on civilized society everywhere. These acts come from a source that combines hatred, ignorance and remorseless violence.
While the University remains in operation, steps were taken to increase campus security immediately upon news of the disaster. The
University’s police, security and emergency staffs have all been put on alert, and the Emergency Operations Center was activated. I want to thank everyone who responded so quickly to these urgent requirements.
Our hearts go out to those who have suffered in this tragedy and we extend our sympathies to their families and friends. This tragedy is a blow to all of us. I encourage you to talk with colleagues and co-workers to support one another as we seek to recover.
Our University community is international in its scope. At this painful time, we need to make extra efforts to respect each other and to reach out to ensure that every member of our community feels welcome.
The work each of us does at the University of Washington is now more important than ever. We can take some consolation from the conviction that the preservation, advancement and dissemination of knowledge are powerful means of striving for a world in which despicable acts of terrorism do not take place.