UW News

October 18, 2001


NOBEL PITCHER: The UW’s newest Nobel Prize winner, Lee Hartwell, threw out the first pitch in the Mariners’ win over Cleveland Monday.

CHEMICAL CREDITS: Chemical Engineering graduate students have been walking away with a lot of honors recently. Barry Lutz and John Whitaker captured both awards offered in the Charles Tobias Memorial Student Poster Contest, beating out 58 other contestants from around the world. Meanwhile, their colleague, Weihua Wang, has received the 2001 Student Scholarship offered by the American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society, a scholarship based on academic achievement, motivation and potential. A new graduate of Chemical Engineering, Kavita Jeerage, also was honored recently, as the recipient of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering Separations Division Graduate Research Award for a recent paper. These chemical engineering award-winners collaborate with Professor Daniel Schwartz in the Electrochemical Materials and Interfaces Laboratory.

KUDOS: Human Resource Management Professor Tom Lee has been named the editor of The Academy of Management Journal. Currently the journal’s associate editor, Lee officially assumes his new position in January . . . Associate Professor Mark Gross and Assistant Professor Ellen Do, both of Architecture, have been awarded “3rd best paper for the year 2000” by the journal Computers and Graphics for their co-authored article “Drawing on the Back of an Envelope: A Framework for Interaction with Application Programs by Freehand Drawing.”

Do you know someone who deserves kudos for an outstanding achievement, award, appointment or book publication? If so, send that person’s name, title and achievement to uweek@u.washington.edu.