UW News

October 18, 2001

Mystery photo

Where are we?

The photo above was taken somewhere on campus. You tell us where. The names of all those with the correct answer will be entered in a drawing for a gift certificate donated by the University Book Store. To enter, go to our Web site, http://uwnews.org/uweek/ and fill out the entry form. Or, send your entry by e-mail to uweek@u.washington.edu along with your name, department, campus address and telephone number. Get your entry in by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 23. We’ll give away one prize per quarter.

Last week’s photo (right) was taken on the west side of Johnson Hall, as many of you knew. The UWeek e-mail box was groaning with entries, a large number of them correct.

Forty people guessed our Oct. 11 mystery photo correctly, out of 84 entries. The correct answer was Johnson Hall on the west side. The lucky entrants ‹ whose names will be entered in a drawing for a University Book Store gift certificate – are listed below.

1. Jackie Matthews, disability services

2. Dale Durran, atmospheric sciences

3. Thadea Tjokro, housing & food services

4. Stephen Keating, electrical engineering

5. Kristiina T.K. Ouzounis, center for research in reproduction

6. Patricia Gomez, forest resources

7. Denis DeVries, engineering services

8. Dave Hogan, publications services

9. Ed Kamai, history

10. Julia Tracy, environmental health

11. Melissa Swenson, environmental health

12. Lyn Gualtieri, quaternary research center

13. Richard Ball, psychology

14. Michael Goodwin, educational outreach

15. Mary Pat Wenderoth, zoology

16. Leslie Zeman, biology

17. Gary Wright, news and information

18. Jim Leath, physical plant

19. Roy May, UW police

20. Nate Jones, transportation office

21. Grace Lee, pharmaceutics

22. Jody Burns, psychology

23. David Girts, UW police

24. Ares Ouzounis, earth and space sciences

25. Anthony Mussio, facilities services

26. Sarah Diane, custodial services

27. Carly Salmon, grant & contract services

28. Allison Rudkin, neurobiology

29. Trevor Leffler, ed tech development group

30. Ginny Bunch, psychology

31. Pat Lauterbach, physical plant

32. Jon Sharpe, environmental health

33. Kari Berger, HS center for educational resources

34. Julie Stein, A&S administration

35. Laura Lee, institute for nuclear theory

36. Penni-anne Bricker, student affairs

37. Sharon Fentiman, psychology

38. Ben Sharpe, architecture

39. Denis Martynowych, A&S administration

40. Marcin Rychlewski, pathology, Harborview