UW News

January 10, 2002


FEEL LIKE DANCIN’: When renowned choreographer Pat Graney presents a retrospective of her work over the next two weeks at the Moore Theater, there will be some UW representation on the stage. Dance faculty Rob Kitsos and Maria Simpson will appear along with dance graduate and University of Memphis professor Kara O’Toole in two dances – Table and Pagan Love Songs. Also included in the latter dance are three former UW undergraduates in dance. The concerts are on Jan. 11, 12, 18 and 19. For tickets, call 206-292-2787.

NEW FULBRIGHT: Randall Kyes, research associate professor in the Psychology Department and head of the Division of International Programs at the Regional Primate Research Center, has received a Fulbright Senior Specialists grant to Tribhuvan University in Nepal. Kyes will spend four weeks giving lectures in conservation biology for university students and professionals; supervising field-training exercises; participating in outreach education for local people; and supervising a field survey of endangered wildlife species. Kyes is among the first grantees under the new Fulbright Senior Specialists short-term grants program. The new program offers two- to six-week grants to leading U.S. academics and professionals to support curricular and faculty development and institutional planning at academic institutions in 140 countries around the world. For further information on the program, see http://www.cies.org/.

PACESETTERS: Both the UW and Harborview Medical Center have been listed among the 100 Commuter Challenge Pacesetters for their outstanding achievement and commitment to reducing commute trips. The awards are given by Commuter Challenge, a nonprofit organization that works to alleviate traffic congestion and promote alternatives to single occupancy vehicles. It is affiliated with the Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County. In addition to its award, Harborview was given a $30,000 Commuter Challenge grant to help defray the cost of its shuttle service that runs every 15 minutes during peak commute times.

KUDOS: Scott Sandgathe, principal oceanographer at the Applied Physics Lab, has been named a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society . . . Sam Sublett, diving safety officer in Environmental Health and Safety, has been named chair of the American Association of the Underwater Sciences Standards Committee and appointed member of the Board of Directors for the organization.

Do you know someone who deserves kudos for an outstanding achievement, award, appointment or book publication? If so, send that person’s name, title and achievement to uweek@u.washington.edu.