UW News

February 21, 2002



Public Hearting Notices

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at noon on Friday, March 1 in Room LB1 205 of the Library/Media Center at the University of Washington, Bothell campus. The purpose of the hearing is to allow all interested persons an opportunity to present their views, either orally or in writing, on the proposed rules for Chapter 478–117 WAC, “Parking and Traffic Rules of the University of Washington, Bothell,” and the amendment to WAC 478–108–010, “Matters Subject to Brief Adjudication.”

Traffic and parking rules specifically for the colocated University of Washington Bothell/Cascadia Community College campus are needed for the safety and general welfare of the students, faculty, staff and guests. Since both institutions share the same campus location and parking infrastructure, identical rules are being sought as Chapter 478–117 WAC for the University of Washington and Chapter 132Z–116 WAC for Cascadia Community College. Additionally, the University of Washington seeks to amend WAC 478–108–010, the University’s list of matters subject to brief adjudication, by adding the appeals process for parking and traffic violations outlined in Chapter 478–117 WAC.

Advance copies of the proposed WAC rules may be obtained by contacting Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Director, Administrative Procedures Office, 4014 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105–6203; Campus Mail: Box 355509; or by phone at

206–543–9199. Copies will also be available at the public hearing. Persons wishing to provide written comment may submit their remarks to Ms. Deardorff at the above address, by email to adminpro@u.washington.edu, or by fax to 206–616–6294, by March 1.

To request disability accommodation for this hear-ing, contact the UW Disability Services Office at least 10 days in advance at 206–543–6450/voice, 206–543–6452/TTY, 206–685–7264/fax, or by e-mail at dso@u.washington.edu.


Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (PER RCW 34.05.310)

Subject of Possible Rule Making: A new Chapter 478–118 WAC “Parking and Traffic Rules of the University of Washington, Tacoma,” and amendment of WAC 478–108–010 “Matters Subject to Brief Adjudication.”

Statutes Authorizing the University to Adopt Rules on This Subject: RCW 28B.10.560 and 28B.20.130 for Chapter 478–118 WAC; Chapter 34.05 RCW for WAC 478–108–010.

Reasons Why Rules on This Subject May Be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: Separate parking and traffic rules are needed for the safety and general welfare of the University of Washington, Tacoma (UWT) students, faculty, staff and guests with the opening of the first UWT-owned parking lot. Existing parking and traffic rules for the University of Washington, Seattle campus (Chapter 478–116 WAC) do not apply to the UWT campus location.

Other Federal and State Agencies That Regulate This Subject and the Process Coordinating the Rule With These Agencies: None.

Process for Developing New Rule: Agency study.

Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication by sending written com-ments or inquiries to Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Director, Administrative Procedures Office, by one of the following routes: US mail, University of Washington, 4014 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105–6203; Campus mail, Box 355509; Email, adminpro@u.washington.edu; Fax, 206–616–6294.


Tax Workshops

An IRS representative will conduct workshops for nonresident alien faculty on two occasions: March 7 from 9 a.m. to noon in 106B HUB and March 19 from 3 to 5 p.m. in 108 HUB.


Members of the graduate faculty are invited to attend the following examinations. Chairpersons are denoted in parentheses.

General Examinations

  • Fevziye Barlas, Near and Middle Eastern Studies Group, Ph.D. 1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 22. 215 Denny. (Prof. Selim Kuru).

  • Kimberly Lynn Cooper, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Ph.D. 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26. A3M-025 FHCRC. (Prof. Cecilia Moens).

  • Arindam Kumar Das, Electrical Engineering, Ph.D. 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26. 403 EE/CSE. (Prof. Roberts Marks II).

  • Kai E. Elgethun, Public Health and Community Medicine – Environmental Health, Ph.D. 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28. F348 Health Sciences. (Prof. Richard Fenske).

  • Enrica Omoyele Hampton, Education, Ed.D. 3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 22. CD 106A Experimental Education Unit. (Prof. Ilene Schwartz).

  • Gregory Christopher Ireton, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Ph.D. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 27. C3-162 FHCRC. (Prof. Barry Stoddard).

  • Susannah Vera Levi, Linguistics, Ph.D. 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 28. 317 Gould. (Prof. Ellen Kaisse).

  • Bonnie Lynn Lyon McDaniel, Education, Ph.D. 1 p.m. Monday, Feb. 25. 222 Miller. (Prof. Donna Kerr).

  • Christina Marie McGraw, Chemistry, Ph.D. 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 27. 239 Chemistry. (Prof. James Callis).

  • Daniel Craig Norvell, Public Health and Community Medicine – Epidemiology, Ph.D. 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 25. E212 Health Sciences. (Prof. Noel Weiss).

  • Gary E. Oertli, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Ph.D. 1:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 22. A3M-025 FHCRC. (Prof. Daniel Gottschling).

Final Examinations

  • Abdulhakim A. Almajid, Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D. 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28. 134 Mechanical Engineering. “Design of high performance piezo composites actuators.” (Prof. Minoru Taya).

  • Catherine Regina Cabrera, Bioengineering, Ph.D. 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28. 403 Electrical Engineering. “Microfluidic electrochemical flow cells: Design, fabrication, and characterization.” (Prof. Paul Yager).

  • Jarrod Wade Carter, Bioengineering, Ph.D. 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28. Hogness Auditorium, Health Sciences. “Compressive cervical spine injury: The effect of injury mechanism on structural injury pattern and neurologic injury potential.” (Prof. Randal Ching).

  • Yeong-Hoi Cha, Music, D.M.A. 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26. Fishbowl, Music. “An analytical study of Korean-based sacred choral music.” (Prof. Abraham Kaplan).

  • Chrysan Jo Gallucci, Education, Ph.D. 9:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 22. 201 Miller. “How communities of practice mediate teachers’ response to standards-based reform.” (Prof. Michael Knapp).

  • Lesley A. Low, Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D. 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28. 219A Mechanical Engineering. “Stability of coupled van der pol oscillators and applications to gait control in simple animals.” (Prof. Per Reinhall).