UW News

March 7, 2002


COP SHOP OPEN: The UW Police Department’s annual open house is 2 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 13. Faculty, staff and students are invited to come and meet the police department officers and staff, tour the facility and learn about crime prevention tips and job opportunities. There will be a ceremony at 2:30 p.m. to honor those recently promoted as well as the department’s officer and employee of the year. Limited parking is available behind the Bryant Building.   

FIRST IN EDUCATION: Education Professor Emeritus John Goodlad will receive the first Brock International Prize in Education, which honors an individual who has recently made a significant impact on the practice or understanding of the science and art of education. Goodlad, who is president of the independent Institute for Educational Inquiry, is the founder of the UW’s Center for Educational Renewal and the author of numerous books on education. The prize includes a $40,000 award.

GARDEN GREATS: Got a great garden at home? If so, you might consider entering it in the Pacific Northwest Gardens competition, sponsored by The Seattle Times and the Northwest Flower & Garden Show, in cooperation with the Arboretum Foundation. Prizes include trips to London and San Francisco, a $500 cash award, plus $100 gift certificates from Swanson’s Nursery. For an entry form, call the Arboretum Foundation at 206-726-1954. The deadline for entries is June 17.

GARDEN QUESTIONS: And speaking of gardeners, they do ask the darndest things. The Center for Urban Horticulture’s newsletter includes a question from a reader about how to rid his worm bin (located in the basement) of fruit flies. CUH librarians advised him to freeze or microwave fruit and vegetable skins before putting them in the worm bin or, if all else fails, to suck up the flies with the vacuum cleaner. Makes you want to run out and get a worm bin, doesn’t it?

Do you know someone who deserves kudos for an outstanding achievement, award, appointment or book publication? If so, send that person’s name, title and achievement to uweek@u.washington.edu.