UW News

March 14, 2002

Pharmacists learn responses to threat of civil emergencies

“Bioterrorism: What Clinicians Need to Know” is the topic for this year’s annual Don B. Katterman Memorial Lecture, sponsored by the Pharmacy Alumni Association. The event is from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Saturday, April 6, in room T-435 of the Health Sciences Center. Registration begins at 8 a.m.

After the Sept. 11 attacks and the anthrax spore releases on the East Coast, many pharmacists found themselves without clear answers to questions from their customers and even to their own questions.

Are pharmacists ready to provide medications for anthrax or vaccinations for other threats? Are enough of the right medications available? Do pharmacists know what would be expected of them in a civil emergency?

Dr. Steven Tharratt, noted anthrax expert from the University of California, Davis, will speak on clinical issues involved in managing biological threats. Don Williams, director of the Washington State Board of Pharmacy, and Rod Shafer, director of the Washington State Pharmaceutical Association, will discuss the specific roles of pharmacists in biological and chemical emergencies and the preparations that their organizations have made for such situations.

The event is open to all health care professionals, with four contact hours of continuing pharmacy education credit available. Registration is $15 for Pharmacy Alumni Association members, $25 for non-members, and $10 for guests. For more information or registration, contact Susan Wilbanks at 543-3485 or stonewil@u.washington.edu.