UW News

April 25, 2002

UW community invited; special lectures Saturday

The Health Sciences Open House, an outstanding opportunity for the UW community and the general public to learn about advances in health and medicine, takes place this weekend, Friday, April 26, and Saturday, April 27. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. The Open House is free.

Classes from several local and regional high schools have been invited to attend on Friday.

This year a new program of lectures on topics ranging from family relationships to bioterrorism is planned for Saturday. Lectures are scheduled every hour beginning at 10 a.m. All are in Hogness Auditorium.

The lecture schedule:

10 a.m. — “Dangerous Liaisons: Harmful Drug Combinations” by Phil Hansten and John Horn, School of Pharmacy

11 a.m. — “Is Your Family Toxic to Your Health?” by Sybil Carrere, School of Nursing

Noon — “Substance Abuse: Generation Y Needs More than N-O” by Betsy Wells, School of Social Work

1 p.m. — “An Alarming Epidemic. . .Obesity,” by Donna Johnson, School of Public Health and Community Medicine

2 p.m. — “Medical Technology as a Weapon against Bioterrorism,” by Brad Cookson, School of Medicine

3 p.m. — “Know the Drill: Have a Good Experience in the Dental Chair” by Marilyn Rothen, School of Dentistry.

Parking on Friday, April 26, is avialable only in the E-1 lot off Montlake Blvd. On Saturday, April 27, organizers recommend parking in the S-1 lot behind the Health Sciences Building. The cost on Saturday is $3 before noon and free after noon.

On both Friday and Saturday, visitors will be able to see more than 65 exhibits, many of them hands-on and interactive. Others will feature virtual reality medical presentations, hgih-tech patient simulators and computer models of research. Information on careers in health sciences will be available.

For more information, call the 24-hour recorded Open House Hotline at 206-543-4767 or see the Web site at http://www.washington.edu/hsoh