UW News

May 30, 2002

Cyclists asked to team up, challenge other employers

The UW Transportation Office is encouraging cyclists to team up when they accept the June Bicycle Commute Challenge.

The commute challenge is designed to seize on the momentum of Bike to Work Day — when more than 3,200 cyclists visited the commuter stations near campus — and encourage cyclists to continue riding to campus through the month of June.

The Transportation Office hopes employees will form teams of four and participate in a team challenge against bicycle commuters from SAFECO Plaza, UW Bothell and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Individuals can participate in the challenge, too, and they are eligible for several prizes. But there’s more on the line with the team challenge.

“People like to compare how we do against other businesses,” said Lisa Quinn, who organized the challenge event for the Transportation Office. “In the past we’ve had success with the employer challenge on Bike to Work Day, so hopefully that will continue with this event.”

Teams that log the most miles, round-trips and new riders can win everything from Amtrak tickets to vouchers at local merchants like REI. For more information about the event, including a registration form, visit www.biketoworkday.org/JuneChallenge.pdf on the Web or contact Quinn at lquinn@u.washington.edu.

In other biking news, Bike Buddy presentations are planned for June 12 and June 19 from noon to 1 p.m. in 309 HUB. The Bike Buddy program pairs experienced cyclists with commuters seeking help in their ride to and from work.