UW News

May 30, 2002

In Brief

Dr. David Dale, professor of medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine and a former dean of the School of Medicine, last month became chair of the Board of Governors of the combined American College of Physicians—American Society of Internal Medicine, the second-largest physician group in the United States with more than 115,000 internal medicine physicians and medical students. His term as chair is one year. Last year, he was chair-elect of the national Board of Governors and governor for the Washington chapter.

Dr. Carlos Pellegrini, Henry N. Harkins professor and chair of the Department of Surgery, has been honored by four professional medical organizations with a three-year appointment to head the Digestive Diseases Week Council. The council oversees the operations of all four organizations during their combined annual meetings, commonly called Digestive Diseases Week. Because the appointment represents both medical and surgical specialties, it is considered a significant honor for physicians working on gastrointestinal disease. The four organizations are: the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, the American Association for Study of Liver Diseases, the American Gastroenterological Association and the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.

Dr. Jeanne Benoliel, professor emeritus of nursing, is one of 12 recipients of a new Oncology Nursing Society Lifetime Achievement Award. She is an oncology nursing pioneer who is credited with transforming care for dying patients. She came to the UW School of Nursing in 1970 after earning national recognition for her research on bereavement and was named the first Elizabeth Sterling Soule Endowed Professor of Nursing in 1987. She retired in 1989.

Dr. Robert Kalina, professor of ophthalmology and former chair of the Department of Ophthalmology, received one of six Community Heroes Awards, given by the organization Prevent Blindness America (PBA). Kalina’s award was presented by Congressman George Nethercutt, Jr. at a Washington, D.C., reception in conjunction with release of the fourth edition of Vision Problems in the U.S., a report from the National Eye Institute and PBA. Kalina is now chair of the Retinal Diseases Advisory Commission for PBA.