UW News

June 27, 2002


U-PASS stickers expire

Current (’01–’02) U-PASS stickers and parking permits expire June 30. New

(’02–’03) stickers/ permits, distributed with the June 10 paychecks, are valid now. Please note that 2002–2003 parking permits must be properly displayed by

6 a.m. on Monday, July 1. A vehicle displaying an expired permit will be subject to citation.

Language Exchange Opportunities

We would like your help if you are a fluent speaker of English who is interested in meeting and helping international students studying English. This would be a way of gaining experience for future overseas or ESL teaching, fulfilling community service requirements or developing a language/culture exchange. A brief description of the two different types of volunteer opportunities follows.

Conversation Exchange Partner: Fluent English speakers are matched with students, based on language/culture exchange interests or by general English practice. Meeting arrangements are made by the participating individuals.

In-Class Facilitator: Fluent English speakers come to our conversation, American culture, or academic English classes to assist our English language teachers in providing conversation practice for students. The class sections usually have about 14 students per class from different countries.

These students often don’t have a chance to practice their English with a fluent speaker. Therefore, we like to offer them this chance in the classroom. Due to the large number of participants, it is important that volunteers be assigned to particular class sections.

For both opportunities, we ask volunteers to provide 10 sessions total, or a once per week commitment.

At the end of the quarter, volunteers can request a letter documenting his/her work in our program.

For more information, contact Michele Norton, Language Exchange Program Coordinator, UW English Language Programs, Box 354232, Seattle, WA, 98195-4232, 206-685-6355 or send e-mail to langex@u.washington.edu

Study participants wanted

Researchers at the University of Washington are conducting a study of patients who have whiplash after an auto accident, to try to prevent long-term problems. Eligible patients should be within three months of their auto accident and be between 20–65 years old. They should not have any spinal fractures from the accident and not be pregnant. If you are interested in learning more about this study, call 206-543-3387.

Blood drive

Friday, June 28 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 1:45 to 4 p.m. in the Health Sciences Lobby.

Degree Exams

Members of the graduate faculty are invited to attend the following examinations. Chairpersons are denoted in parentheses.

General Examinations

n Nicole C. Benkers, Genetics, Ph.D. 1 p.m. Monday, July 1. K350 Health Sciences. (Prof. Colin Manoil).

n John Scott Clemmens, Bioengineering, Ph.D. 9 a.m. Wednesday, July 10. T474 A Health Sciences. (Prof. Viola Vogel).

n Maha Tahsin El-Taji, Near and Middle Eastern Studies Group, Ph.D. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 3. 403 Thomson. (Prof. Joel Migdal).

n Margaret A. Gabriel, Chemistry, Ph.D. 2 p.m. Monday, July 8. 319 Bagley. (Prof. Hannes Jonsson).

n Steven James Kusiak, Applied Mathematics, Ph.D. 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 3. 111 Loew. (Prof. John Sylvester).

n Jeannette Nussbaum, Pathology, Ph.D. 10 a.m. Friday, Jun 28. C516 Health Sciences. (Prof. Charles Murry).

n Gregory Michael Ostermeier, Atmospheric Sciences, Ph.D. 11 a.m. Tuesday, July 2. 310c Atmospheric Sciences/Geophysics. (Prof. John Wallace).

n Jennifer Mei-An Popham, Chemistry, Ph.D. 1:30 p.m. Friday, Jun 28. 319 Bagley. (Prof. Gary Drobny).

n Fadzilah Saidin, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ph.D. 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 9. 264 Wilcox. (Prof. Robert Holtz).

n Iyarit Thaipisuttikul, Genetics, Ph.D. 1 p.m. Wednesday, July 10. K357 Health Sciences. (Prof. Colin Manoil).

n Jonathan E. Ulmer, Genetics, Ph.D. 10 a.m. Friday, Jun 28. K357 Health Sciences. (Prof. Carol Sibley).

n Vesna Zderic, Bioengineering, Ph.D. 11:30 a.m. Friday, Jun 28. Hardisty Conference Center, Applied Physics Lab. (Prof. Shahram Vaezy).

Final Examinations

n Lauren Louise Basson, Political Science, Ph.D. 3:30 p.m. Monday, July 8. 317 Thomson. “Defining Americans: Nation, state and the politics of racial mixture, 1885-1905.” (Prof. Joel Migdal).

n William Lee Gaines, Forest Resources, Ph.D. 10 a.m. Monday, July 1. 22 Anderson. “Relationships among black bears, roads, and habitat in the North Cascades of Washington.” (Prof. Kenneth Raedeke).

n Yvonne Sarah Lin, Pharmacy — Pharmaceutics, Ph.D. 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 2. K069 Health Sciences. “Characterizing the variability in CYP3A-mediated metabolism and expression: Influence of genetics and probe substrate selection.” (Prof. Kenneth Thummel).

n Loren Stuart Ryter, Political Science, Ph.D. 1 p.m. Monday, July 1. 40A Smith. “Youth, gangs, and the state in Indonesia.” (Prof. Daniel Lev).

n Kevan Reza Shafizadeh, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ph.D. 10 a.m. Friday, Jun 28. 264 Wilcox. “A statistical analysis of factors associated with driver-perceived road roughness on urban freeways.” (Profs. Fred Mannering and G. Scott Rutherford).

n Tammy Suzanne Shields, Public Health and Community Medicine — Epidemiology, Ph.D. 9 a.m. Thursday, July 11. I-140 Health Sciences. “Endogenous hormones and the risk of cervical cancer.” (Prof. Noel Weiss).

n Russell John Steele, Statistics, Ph.D. 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 9. 311 Savery. “Practical importance sampling methods for finite mixture models and multiple imputation.” (Prof. Adrian Raftery).

n Ryan Matthew Troyer, Public Health and Community Medicine – Pathobiology, Ph.D. 10 a.m. Thursday, July 11. K069 Health Sciences. “Genetic diversity, evolution,and fitness of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus within an endemic focus in rainbow trout aquaculture.” (Profs. Gael Kurath and Nancy Haigwood).

n Joellen Watson, Social Work, Ph.D. 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 10. Dean’s Conference Room, Social Work. “The church community’s impact on help seeking of battered christian women.” (Prof. Paula Nurius).