UW News

October 3, 2002

Geoff & Judy Vernon

Geoff and Judy Vernon died last fall in the crash of a sightseeing plane in the Yucatan Peninsula. But they are far from forgotten by the many people at the University who knew them; in fact, they’ve been selected as the winners of the Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award — the first time the award has been given posthumously.

The Vernons were, by all accounts, the personification of the award description: individuals who make outstanding efforts on behalf of the Alumni Association. Geoff graduated from the University in 1965, Judy in 1962, but they never severed their ties to their alma mater. Members of the Tyee Club since 1977, they were Husky ticket holders for 26 years.

Geoff held a number of offices in the Alumni Association, including president in 1999-2000. During his term, he was instrumental in creating a strategic plan for the association and spearheading the effort to build Gateway Center, a facility that one day will serve as the new home of the alumni association, the UW visitors center, student tours and other University outreach efforts. He was also a founding member of the Advisory Committee for Columns, and was instrumental in forming the concept and content of the magazine.

A former publishing executive, Geoff had retired in 1998 so that he and Judy could devote all their time to community causes.