UW News

November 7, 2002

Combined Fund Drive

Editor’s Note: The Combined Fund Drive runs through Nov. 22. Throughout the drive, University Week will feature faculty and staff who give back to the community by volunteering their time.

Name: Sandra Madrid
UW Position: Assistant dean for student services and community development, law school
Volunteer Activity: Member of the Board of Trustees, United Way
Mission of Volunteer Organization: Creating a community safety net that strengthens our communities by enhancing the ability of people to care for one another.
Time as a Volunteer: 5 plus years

Why this Activity? Because of its commitment to underserved communities and its long history of success. United Way is currently fourth in the country in terms of dollar amount commitment.

Satisfaction in Volunteering: Giving back to the community is so rewarding. I have been so blessed in my life and giving of my time and expertise is fulfilling. One year I had the privilege to be one of the United Way speaking ambassadors. I was able to visit various places of work and talk about the difference United Way can make in people’s lives. The response was overwhelming. People are generous in spirit and dollars. Everyone truly makes a difference.

For more information about the Combined Fund Drive, talk to your local CFD coordinator or visit the Web site: http://depts.washington.edu/uwcfd.