December 23, 2002
UW Educational Outreach Web site, registration available following last week’s fire
The main University of Washington Educational Outreach building at 5001 25th Ave. N.E., near University Village, has been declared a total loss after an early-morning fire Dec. 19. Damage is estimated at $1 million.
Places of business and phone numbers as of Monday afternoon, Dec. 23 include the following: (please note that offices will be closed Dec. 25):
— The approximately 100 affected employees are sharing existing Educational Outreach space at the King Building, 4909 25th Ave. N.E., which is south of the burned building. Effective Jan. 6, 2003, administrative offices for educational outreach will relocate to Roosevelt Commons, 4311 11th Ave. N.E.
— Students registering for winter classes with educational outreach programs (extension certificates or courses, distance learning and continuing education) can do so in person at the King Building, or by calling 206-543-2310. Effective Jan. 6, students can register in person at Roosevelt Commons, or by calling 206-543-2310.
— The main information line for educational outreach, 206-543-2320, is working, as are e-mail and phone systems. Educational outreach’s Web site,, also is available.
— Online courses available through MyUW have been restored. For more information, call 206-543-2350.
— Evening Degree Program undergraduate advising is available in Lewis Hall on the UW campus; for more information, students can call 206-685-2223.
— Most grades were entered in the student database before the fire, so they were not affected. However, students in distance-learning classes with finals taking place after Dec. 21 need to reschedule their test times by calling 206-543-2350.
For more information, reporters can contact:
Andrea Lex, senior director of student and administrative support services, Educational Outreach, 206-685-6304,