UW News

January 9, 2003

Faculty Senate

The Faculty Council on Research (FCR) is one of 12 standing councils of the Faculty Senate. Its primary role is to recommend and monitor University policies related to research. Our primary objective is to improve the quality of life for faculty and staff engaged in research at the UW.

Members of the FCR represent faculty from diverse departments across campus, with ex officio members from the Office of Research, Purchasing, professional staff, retired faculty, GPSS, and ASUW.

As part of its objective to improve the quality of life of researchers at the UW, this academic year the FCR has focused on research funding in a time of budget deficits, as well as technologies to assist with grant and contract applications and grants management.

The council has consistently supported the use of Indirect Cost Recovery funds (ICR) from externally funded grants and contracts to strengthen the research infrastructure of the UW, including funding to improve the efficiency of Grant & Contract Services, Grant & Contract Accounting, and the Human Subjects Office.

Many improvements have already been implemented with ICR and University Initiatives funding, including increased staffing and greater use of Web-based systems for grant & contract management, documentation and communication among researchers.

An area of growing concern for the FCR is the potential impact of pending state budget cuts on research productivity at the UW. Although the amount of state funds are used to support research is minimal, the necessary infrastructure to conduct research, such as labs and equipment, requires some state support. Funding cuts will have a negative impact on maintaining existing facilities, and will certainly prevent efforts to improve or update these facilities.

In the coming year, the FCR will continue to work toward better services and facilities for UW researchers. As it moves toward becoming a University Council on Research, with broader representation from both faculty and administration, this Council will continue its efforts to improve the quality of life of UW researchers.

This is one of a series of columns detailing the work of the Faculty Senate’s councils. H. Asuman Kiyak is the chair of the Faculty Council on Research.