UW News

April 17, 2003

Mystery Photo

Ellie Schweihs, fiscal unit supervisor for Biostatistics, is the winner of the University Book Store gift certificate for winter quarter. Schweihs stands in front of the Health Sciences F wing, which she correctly guessed was the site of a Mystery Photo.
Where are we? The photo above was taken somewhere on campus. You tell us where. The names of all those with the correct answer will be entered in a drawing for a gift certificate donated by the University Book Store. Send your entry by e-mail to uweek@u.washington.edu  along with your name and department. We’ll give away one prize per quarter.

Last issue’s answer: The April 10 photo was of Sieg Hall, as a lot of people recognized. However, it was specifically of the south side of that building, which fewer people specified. The names of those who guessed correctly are listed below:

1. Denis Martynowych, Burke Museum
2. George Rodgers-Clark, HUB event services
3. Gaetano Borriello, computer science & engineering
4. George White, civil & environmental engineering
5. Ed Lazowska, computer science & engineering
6. Rick Bruch, health services
7. Ratul Mahajan, computer science & engineering
8. Heather M. Dolan, computer science & engineering
9. Martha Means, school of medicine
10. David Grimes
11. Craig Chambers, computer science & engineering
12. Steve Muench, civil and environmental engineering
13. Alec Constabaris, medicinal chemistry
14. Thomas W. Berg, engineering services
15. Stefan Saroiu Dept: computer science & engineering 16. Mike Munz, mathematics
17. Colin French, aquatic and fishery sciences
18. Earl Yamane, UW police
19. Santosh Zachariah, bioengineering
20. Janet Ness, UW Libraries
21. Mike Evans, astronomy
22. Stephenie Stolp, surgery
23. Andrew Schwerin, computer science & engineering
24. Sean Hoyt, electrical engineering
25. Joseph SH Chao, electrical engineering
26. Puk Teerawichitchainan, sociology