UW News

April 17, 2003

Time of reflection on war in Iraq April 23

News and Information

Business as usual will temporarily stop for some at the UW on Wednesday, April 23.

Interim UW President Lee Huntsman has set aside the day, a “Time of Reflection: The War in Iraq,” so that the campus community can come together and explore the meaning and consequences of the war and its aftermath.

Classes will go on as scheduled on the day, but faculty have been encouraged to use the time to discuss the meaning and consequences of the war. Classes that don’t meet on Wednesdays are encouraged to discuss the international situation during their regular Tuesday or Thursday sessions. Also on Wednesday there will be a series of lectures, workshops, and moderated discussions about the conflict in Iraq from 2:30 to 6 p.m. on the Seattle campus. A complete schedule is available at www.washington.edu/oue/wariniraq.

Here’s a brief sampling that shows just how varied the day’s events will be:

  • The Public Health Consequences of War,” a panel discussion featuring Barry Levy, the co-editor of “Public Health and War” and “Terrorism and Public Health,” Charles Clements, past president of Physicians for Human Rights and author of “Witness to War,” and Evan Kanter, past president of Physicians for Social Responsibility.
  • War on Iraq: Beyond Hawks vs. Peaceniks,” a lecture by UW physicist Vladimir Chaloupka. Chaloupka is opening his physics of music class to the general public on April 23. The lecture will go beyond war and peace and focus a great deal of attention to the increasing gap between the exponential progress of science and technology on the one hand and people’s ability to responsibly deal with that science and technology on the other hand.
  • Draw Out Your Experience,? an informal workshop that allows participants to draw, paint and create images that express their feelings, questions and insights about the war. Laurie Johnson, administrator coordinator in otolaryngology, will lead the session.
