UW News

May 29, 2003

Mystery Photo

Last week’s Mystery Photo was taken at the left entrance to the Snoqualmie Reading Room at the UW Tacoma library. Most guessers knew the photo was in Tacoma, not Bothell, but not all knew the building. Correct guessers are listed below:

1. Charlie Hendricksen
2. Zeila Schmidt, UWMC transplant services
3. Jill M. Purdy, Ph.D., UWT business administration
4. Clay Horton, UWB/CCC Library
5. Eric Elkins, UWT computer services
6. Jennifer Ward, UW libraries
7. Donald M. Anderson, capital projects
8. Jennifer Sundheim, UWT Library
9. Alec Constabaris, medicinal chemistry
10. Cassandra Hartnett, UW libraries
11. Joseph SH Chao, electrical engineering
12. Harry Hayward, university relations