UW News

July 10, 2003


RESEARCH STAR: UW’s Research-Channel will be featured in an Internet2 Virtual Briefing from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on July 17. The briefing will focus on “Advanced Media Projects,” concentrating on the infrastructure and interfaces that make these projects successful.

Featured speakers for the briefing include Jim DeRoest, director of streaming technologies; Kathleen McMonigal, general manager of the ResearchChannel; and Michael Wellings, director of broadcast engineering for the ResearchChannel.

For additional details about the briefing, see http://www.internet2.edu/vb.

The ResearchChannel is a consortium of research universities and corporate research divisions, providing programs to worldwide viewers at bandwidths ranging from 28.8 kilobytes to uncompressed high definition at 1.5 gigabytes.

ResearchChannel is a leader in advanced streaming media with high definition video-on-demand, broadcast-quality multicast, and distribution of live digital video over IP (Internet Protocol).

FULBRIGHT SPECIALIST: David Farkas, professor of Technical Communication, has received a Fulbright Senior Specialist grant at the Arab Society of Materials Science. Senior Specialists is a new Fulbright program offering two- to six-week grants to leading academics and professionals to support curricular and faculty development and institutional planning at academic institutions in 140 countries.

EARTH HEROES: The Sustainable Landscapes Consortium led by Forest Resources Professor Linda Chalker-Scott has been selected as an “Earth Hero at School.” The consortium, made up of professionals who promote gardens and ecosystems that don’t waste resources or gardeners’ time, was named for its work at Garfield and Nathan Hale High Schools, NOVA Alternative School and Our Lady of the Lake parochial school. King County’s Earth Heroes initiative recognizes “innovative programs that are working hard to maintain the rich integrity of our region, as well as our high quality of life.” Chalker-Scott also was honored as Educator of the Year by the Washington State Nursery and Landscape Association.

FORESTRY HONORS: The College of Forest Resources recognized staff, faculty and students last month with internal awards. Honored for professional staff service were Larry Mason and Cecilia Paul; for classified staff service, Greg Brazil and Ann Corboy; for staff team service, the Rural Technology Initiative Team; for faculty teaching contribution, Bob Gara; for faculty research contribution, Jim Agee, Bruce Lippke and Stuart Strand; for faculty service contribution, Jim Fridley, Tom Hinckley and Bill McKean; for working with the news media, Jim Agee; and for faculty service, teaching and student credit hours, Rob Harrison. Bruce Bare gave dean’s awards for faculty to Linda Brubaker, for staff to Tom Mentele and for development support to Sarah Reichard. Graduate student prizes went to top research assistant Errika Pearson; top teacher’s assistant Mark Swanson and student outreach achievement to John Garth. Faculty helping generate the top fact sheets on the college’s work this year were Kathy Wolf, Clare Ryan and Rick Gustafson.

KUDOS: Chemical engineering graduate student John Whitaker was awarded first place in Physical Sciences for his oral presentation entitled, “Electrochemical Printing,” at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Pacific Division. John is pursuing his doctorate in the Electrochemical Materials and Interfaces Lab, directed by Chemical Engineering Professor Daniel Schwartz.

Do you know someone who deserves kudos for an outstanding achievement, award, appointment or book publication? If so, send that person’s name, title and achievement to uweek@u.washington.edu.