UW News

November 6, 2003


DIET GURU: When Mother Earth News needed a dietitian to talk about good nutrition in their Guide to Real Health, they turned to Judy Simon, a staffer at UWMC Roosevelt. Simon was quoted liberally in the guide, pointing out that despite a constant stream of new information, “it keeps coming back to eating good, old-fashioned whole foods, which include fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains.” But Simon isn’t a prude when it comes to food. “Food should be one of the pleasures of life,” she told the magazine, “not a burden.”

KUDOS: Cheryl Cameron, associate vice provost; and Steve Milam, coordinator of compliance for medical affairs; received Outstanding Service Awards from the Association of Physician Assistant Programs . . . Columns Editor Tom Griffin was named a “faculty star” by his students at the Summer Institute in Communications and Marketing sponsored by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education . . . Assistant Professor of Political Science Rachel Cichowski is the co-editor of a recent book, The State of the European Union, which contains several articles by UW graduates now teaching elsewhere.