UW News

November 6, 2003

Health Sciences News Briefs

Genome ethics
“Understanding the Human Genome: Ethical Challenges for Public Health Policy” is a one-day continuing education course organized by the Northwest Center for Occupational Health & Safety and co-sponsored by several other UW programs. It will be held Tuesday, Dec. 2, at the Mountaineers Building in Seattle. Topics include workplace testing, informed consent in public health genetics research, newborn screening and genetic testing in research. Registration is $175 before Nov. 14. For more information, call 206-543-1069 or see the Web site at http://depts.washington.edu/ehce  

Imaging advances
“Picture This: Advances in Biological Imaging” is a free seminar planned from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday, Nov. 21, in room CD-150 at the UW Center on Human Development and Disability. Research applications of the latest imaging technology, including Bio-Rad’s Cell Map personal confocal microscope, will be explored. Topics include deconvolution, multiphoton and confocal microscopy, stereology, live-cell imaging and image reconstruction with SlideBook. Sponsors are the Cellular Imaging component of CHDD’s Neuroscience Core, the Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center, and Bio-Rad Labs. Lunch and personal demonstrations will be provided for those who register by Nov. 17 through jajoyce@u.washington.edu  

Joint replacement
Dr. Seth Leopold, associate professor of orthopaedics and sports medicine, will be the speaker at the next REI program sponsored by UW Medical Center. Leopold’s topic is “Living Well with Arthritis: Minimally-Invasive Joint Replacement—Facts vs. Hype.” The free presentation is from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Monday, Nov. 17 at the downtown Seattle REI store.