UW News

January 15, 2004

Mystery Photo

Where are we? The photo above was taken somewhere on campus. You tell us where, and be specific. The name of the building is not enough. The names of all those with the correct answer will be entered in a drawing for a gift certificate donated by the University Book Store. Send your entry by e-mail to uweek@u.washington.edu  along with your name and department. The deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 20. We’ll give away one prize per quarter.


 Photo by Mary Levin

Last week’s answer:
Last week’s photo was of some trees on the southeast side of Gerberding. The list of correct guessers is below:

The lucky mystery photo winner for the fall quarter was Denis Devries of Engineering Services, who recognized this scene outside Clark Hall.  This is the 20th photo Devries has guessed correctly.  He’ll be retiring at the end of March.

1. Beth Larrisa Koemans, Program for Educational Transformation Through Technology
2. Karen Erickson, The Information School
3. Dennis Montgomery, UW Libraries
4. Kay Pilcher, Computing & Communications
5. Mike Evans, Astronomy
6. David Sonderland, Facilities Services
7. Marcia Rhodes, Health Sciences Risk Management
8. Dale Durran, Atmospheric Sciences 
9. Alec Constabaris, Medicinal Chemistry
10. Janet Ness, UW Libraries
11. Melody Winkle, Computing & Communications