UW News

February 5, 2004

New fund created to support good ideas

News and Information

The Provost’s Office is looking for some great ideas that require modest amounts of temporary funding to be realized.

The sum of $1.2 million has been put into the new Fund for Innovation and Redesign.  Short proposals are due by March 15.

“This University has been described as a culture of possibilities,” said Acting Provost David Thorud. “Especially in difficult budget times, it’s important for us to nurture this element of University culture.”

Proposals, which should cover a one to two year period, might include:

• ways to improve students’ educational experience;
• innovations in services provided to the UW community;
• ideas that in the long run could save money but require one-time funding to enact;
• creation of partnerships that cross departmental boundaries;
• new ways of integrating research and education;
• projects that can enhance campus diversity.

In the first phase, proposals of two to three pages should be submitted to the appropriate deans, vice presidents, vice provosts, or the director of University Libraries for their approval and submittal to the provost. Initial proposals should include the following elements:

• project overview and goals;
• rationale for this particular approach;
• estimated impact on learning, research or service;
• possible broader impacts on the institution as a whole;
• ways of assessing the program’s success;
• estimated budget for one to two years.

The provost will create an ad hoc committee to perform the initial Phase 1 screening. Individuals whose proposals pass this screening will be asked to submit a more detailed proposal of no more than 10 double-spaced pages, not including the budget.  Phase 2 proposals will be due by May 1. Proposals for $100,000 or more will be shared with the Board of Deans, the Senate Committee on Planning & Budgeting, and the University Budget Committee prior to a final funding decision.

Final decisions will be made by June 1.

Funds will be available immediately upon approval.  All funding is one-time and temporary.  Any ideas that require assignment of additional space will require approval from the head of the appropriate unit in charge of space allocation.