UW News

April 8, 2004

Health Sciences News Briefs

Stakeholder Forum
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), one of the National Institutes of Health, is holding a meeting in Seattle to solicit input for its future plans in alternative medicine research and other areas. NCCAM is inviting input in drafting its five-year strategic plan for research, training, outreach, and integration of complementary and alternative medicine. All interested parties are invited to attend the Stakeholder Forum, from 1 to 4 p.m., Monday, April 19, in the Elliot Bay Room at the Westin Seattle, 1900 Fifth Ave. For more information, contact Amy Lange at 202-745-5116, alange@gymr.com  

REI April 19
“Update on Low-Back Pain” is the topic for the next UW Medical Center Healthy Lifestyles presentation at 7 p.m., Monday, April 19, at the downtown Seattle REI store. Dr. Dheera Ananthakrishnan, of the spine trauma and reconstruction unit in the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, will be the speaker. The talk is free and no registration is required. Call 206-598-4972 for more information.

Hall Health
Hall Health Primary Care Center, which provides health services for students and employees, has again achieved a full three-year term of accreditation by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care. This is a voluntary process that allows the Center to measure its performance against nationally recognized standards and ultimately improve the quality of care, according to the Center’s director, Dr. Elaine Jong, who is also a clinical professor of medicine. For more on Hall Health Primary Care Center, see the Web site at http://www.hallhealthcenter.com

Faculty workshop
“The Art of Negotiation” is the title for the next faculty development workshop sponsored by the Department of Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics. The program will focus on everyday examples of situations that require negotiation and will provide exercises and real-life cases to improve practical negotiation techniques. The workshop leader is Dr. Tom Weeks, chair of the Seattle Monorail Project and a principal at the Negotiation Group. The workshop is from 8:30 a.m. to noon, Tuesday, April 27, in room 316 of South Campus Center. For information and to register, call 206-543-2259 or see the Web site at http://dme.washington.edu/facdev.html

Brain Day
Things got terribly brainy in the Magnuson Health Sciences Center Lobby Wednesday, March 24, for over 300 middle school kids. They were visiting Dr. Eric Chudler’s annual Brain Day. Chudler, a UW research associate professor of anesthesiology, presents the event to provide students an opportunity to gain some hands-on experience with neuroscience. Along with the chance to gather souvenirs and educational materials from the interactive exhibits, the budding scientists had the opportunity to learn about the effects of drugs on the brain. The most popular part of the event, as always, was the table holding a variety of real brains. For your own brainy experience, visit http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/neurok.html, Chudler’s Web site devoted to early education in neuroscience.