UW News

October 7, 2004

Message from the editor: Help University Week get the news out

Other people celebrate New Years on Jan. 1; to me it always seems that the year begins in autumn. No doubt that’s because I work at a university, where there’s a long hiatus after summer quarter followed by a major ramping up as the leaves begin to fall.

So here we are, fall quarter, 2004, and University Week is publishing again after a five-week break. My assistant editor, Peter Kelley, and I are working hard to bring you the news and introduce you to the varied personalities on a vibrant University campus. But we can’t do it alone. After all, this is a big place and we can’t be everywhere. So please feel free to contact us when news is happening on your corner of the campus. Here are some ways you can help us get the news out:

Etc.: Etc. is University Week’s people column. Here we report honors and awards received, as well as humorous or heartwarming tales of life on campus. Awards do not need to be major national accolades to be reported here. Tell us about your own achievements, as well as those of your co-workers.

Calendar of Events: Events that appear in University Week’s calendar are taken from the UW’s online events calendar, accessed by clicking “events” on the faculty/staff homepage. These events are posted by representatives from departments all over campus. Those posting must be authorized to prevent those outside the University from inputting their own events. To obtain authorization, contact Bob Roseth, director of News and Information. University Week downloads events from the online calendar on Monday morning prior to publication, so events posted after that time will not be included. Once you have posted your events in the online calendar, you need not resubmit them to University Week.

Notices: Notices is a column for official announcements. These include academic opportunities such as grant funds available, studies seeking participants, and legal notices pertaining to campus construction, hiring, etc. Notices must be received one week before the publication date. They may run more than once, but all insertions after the first one will be on a space-available basis.

FAQ at the U: FAQ is a column inviting members of the campus community to pose questions of broad interest about the campus. University Week will contact appropriate officials to obtain the answer and publish both question and answer. The questioner’s name will not be published.

Faculty/Staff Profiles: The UW campus is full of interesting people, and we like to introduce them to our readers. Past profiles have featured people who hold interesting jobs as well as those who pursue some compelling interest outside of work. Virtually all of our profile subjects were suggested by readers, so please let us know if you know someone we should be talking to.

Photographs: Although University Week has staff photographers, we are aware that there are many talented photographers on campus and would be happy to consider using high quality photos submitted to us. Photo subjects should of course be campus scenes or events. Photos should be in color for our Web version, and we will transfer them to black and white for our print version. Either print or electronic versions are accepted, but electronic versions must have a resolution of 300 dots per inch for good reproduction on paper. Although we are unable to pay for photos, the photographer will receive a photo credit.

Advertising: University Week accepts display advertising from clients both on campus and off. All questions about advertising should be directed to our ad representative, Varsity Communications. Contact Branden Jordon at branden@varsitycommunications.com .

University Week has a rather unusual schedule. We publish biweekly on paper and online only in the intervening weeks. You’ll receive an e-mail when the online edition comes out. Our paper is posted to the Web, but the articles that appear in the online edition do not appear on paper. Therefore, if you want to get all the news we publish, be sure to go to the homepage, www.uweek.org, when you receive your e-mail.

The best way to contact University Week is by e-mail, uweek@u.washington.edu. And, if you like, put us on the mailing list for your newsletter. We’ll read what you send us. We look forward to hearing from you.