UW News

October 28, 2004

New technology for elders

“Gerontechnology Today and Tomorrow” is the title of a daylong conference and exhibition of products useful for older adults and caregivers. The event will be Saturday, Oct. 30, in Glaser Auditorium of Swedish Medical Center, 747 Broadway, in Seattle

Morning sessions willl cover products already available; afternoon sessions focus on research that may lead to new products and services. The conference is primarily intended for professionals working with frail elders and their families.

To register or see a full agenda, call the UW Institute on Aging at 206-543-8727 or visit the Web site at http://depts.washington.edu/geron/Gerontech/agenda.htm.

Several other UW units are also among the participants: the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the de Tornyay Center for Healthy Aging, and the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Swedish Medical Center’s Home Care Services is a co-sponsor. The daylong program costs $20, including handouts and lunch.