UW News

November 4, 2004


INTERNATIONAL FLAIR: Five UW professors have been awarded Fulbright Scholar grants to lecture and/or do research abroad. They are among more than 800 faculty and professionals who will travel to some 140 countries for the 2004-2005 academic year through the Fullbright program.

The five are Roy Colven, associate professor of medicine at Harborview; Dorothy Paun, associate professor of forest resources; and three UW Tacoma members of the interdisciplinary arts and sciences faculty: Chris Demaske, assistant professor; Guido Preparata, assistant professor; and William Richardson, director and professor. Colven travels to the University of Capetown, South Africa; Paun to the University of British Columbia, Canada; Demaske to Moscow State University, Russia; Preparata to the University of Jordan, and Richardson to Berlin, Germany for the U.S.-Germany International Education Administrators Program.

ELECTION WATCHDOG: Professor of Political Science Margaret Levi is one of 18 scholars named to the National Research Commission on Elections and Voting, convened by the Social Science Research Council. The commission is a non-partisan, independent initiative intended to bring scholarly research, knowledge and perspective to bear in assessing the conduct of the current election, regardless of its outcome. Levi was named as an expert in government trustworthiness, unions in elections and comparative international perspectives. The commissions will issue two reports — an interim report in early December and a final report in early 2005.

KUDOS: Professor Emeritus of History Richard Kirkendall edited a book, Harry’s Farewell: Interpreting and Teaching the Truman Presidency, which was published by the University of Missouri Press.

Do you know someone who deserves kudos for an outstanding achievement, award, appointment or book publication? If so, send that person’s name, title and achievement to uweek@u.washington.edu.